[Cbc] CbcMain1 returns bogus result when it cannot improve on setBestSolution

Haroldo Gambini Santos haroldo.santos at gmail.com
Tue Jun 11 07:34:41 EDT 2019

Haroldo Gambini Santos
Computing Department
Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto - UFOP
email: haroldo at ufop.edu.br
        Haroldo.GambiniSantos at cs.kuleuven.be
home/research page: www.decom.ufop.br/haroldo

It has long been an axiom of mine that the little things are infinitely
the most important.
-- Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, "A Case of Identity"

On Tue, 11 Jun 2019, Jack Vreeken wrote:

> I noticed that option as well, but I'm not sure how to use it when I don't have any names whatsoever. I currently construct an OsiClpSolverInterface model, followed by a loadProblem() call passing a bunch of numeric arrays (followed by a loop of .setInteger() to set some variables to be discrete).
> 1. How is setMIPStart() different setBestSolution(). Is it faster or smarter?
setMIPStart can fill values of auxiliary variables in the formulation

> 2. If it's somehow better, I guess I could call .setColumnName() with some string for all my integer columns, followed by a setMIPStart() call. It would still be nice to have a non-string alternative to setMIPStart() though, where one can just pass to column index as an integer.

One problem with indexes is that after pre-processing some variables are 
removed and the indexes became invalid.

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