[Cbc] Getting equal performance from compiled C++ program w.r.t CBC command line utility

Jesse Jaanila jessejaanila at gmail.com
Fri Mar 10 04:29:31 EST 2017


I'm learning the C++ API of CBC, and I'm having trouble matching the
performance of a compiled C++ program that loads an MPS file and solves it
using the CbcModel class when compared to just opening the CBC cmd line
utility, importing the same file and using solve. Cmd line utility solves
the MIP in 1 second, and the C++ program doesn't terminate in <30 minutes.

I figured the problem is that when I'm using C++ API I have to configure
all the parameters explicitly and It seems that the default parameters used
by the Cmd line utility are pretty well rounded for your average MIP model.

Is there a list of the default parameters for the presolve, heuristics and
cuts that are used by the Cmd line utility and which I should activate in
my C++ program to match the performance. After that, I can start tweaking.

Any help would be appreciated,
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