[Cbc] Cbc threads and derived CbcModel classes

Pietro Belotti petr.7b6 at gmail.com
Thu Oct 3 19:54:45 EDT 2013


I have implemented a BB by deriving a myModel class from CbcModel. The main
difference is in the ::checkSolution() method, which is specialized to the

The sequential version seems to work just fine. The multi-thread version,
instead, does not: while everything works fine in the root node and the
right solution check is run, in CbcThread.cpp:573, the new CbcModels that
run the threads are created using the copy constructor of the original
CbcModel, and hence during the BB the original (and invalid for my problem)
checkSolution() method is used.

Is there a clean way to make the threads use myModel objects rather than

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