[Cbc] the multi threaded CBC solver is crashing

Aditya Gandhi agandhi at sapient.com
Thu May 30 11:56:10 EDT 2013

Issue: the multi threaded CBC solver is crashing

Using v 2.7.5 of CBC
Using v 2.9.1/x86 pThread dlls/ libs/ headers(from ftp://sourceware.org/pub/pthreads-win32)
Using the MSVisualStudio\v10 solution

Steps taken
1.      Added
#ifndef CBC_THREAD
#define CBC_THREAD 1
to CbcConfig.H
2.      Updated libCBC properties to include additional include directories -> ThirdParty\pThreads\include (where I had copied all the pThread headers)
3.      Updated libCBC properties to include additional librarian dependency-> pthreadVCE2.lib and updated additional lib directories to include ThirdParty\pThreads\lib
4.      Rebuilt the CBC sln and this generate the new cbc.exe
5.      Ran the exe and confirmed that the exe now recognizes the thread input command
6.      Ran the model (which was running fine on non multi threaded cbc.exe) and the application crashed. Have attached the output that the process generated.
7.      I have tried this on a few different models and with a few different versions of the exes (with ptheradVSE2, pthreadVCE, ptheradVC2 etc.) with same result.
8.      Note: if I run this exe without the threading option then also it crashes

Any suggestions on what I am be doing wrong or if you can point me to a version of compiled muti threaded cbc.exe (any version) that will be helpful.


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