[Cbc] Time question

John Forrest john.forrest at fastercoin.com
Wed Aug 21 03:45:37 EDT 2013


You may be better off handling it all yourself - saving start time 
CoinCpuTime() or CoinGetTimeOfDay() in your handler when you create it 
and just checking it in handler.  That way, you can use cpu or elapsed 
time.  You could still use ClpModel.setMaximumSeconds(0.0) to stop run.

You could use ClpMaxSeconds in a clumsy way.  If you 
ClpModel.setMaximumSeconds(100000.0) then startTime+100000.0 is stored 
and so time so far is CoinCpuTime()- 
ClpModel.maximumSeconds()+100000.0.  But that is clumsy and only cpu time.

John Forrest
On 20/08/13 22:08, Alexis wrote:
> In the CbcEventHandler object, it is possible to access the resolution 
> time
> through the method getCurrentSeconds().
> Is there an equivalent when using a ClpEventHandler object? i.e., can
> we access the resolution time as well?
> Thanks in advance
> Alexis

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