[Cbc] CBC Installer for Windows

Lou Hafer lou at cs.sfu.ca
Wed Jul 13 11:52:00 EDT 2011

Haroldo, et al.,

	Haroldo, thanks for doing this! It's much appreciated. Another
suggestion: In addition to the Cbc wiki, there's a MSVisualStudio wiki
at https://projects.coin-or.org/MSVisualStudio. That may or may not be
useful for you (as a pointer from your installer, or as a place to put
information about the installer).

	Cmake: This gets suggested on a regular basis. Over on the linux side,
COIN has a huge investment in autotools (autoconf, automake, libtool).
The effort of switching will be equally huge. The attraction of cmake,
as I understand it, is that it will generate VS solutions. As someone
who has worked on both autotools configurations and VS solutions, I can
appreciate how nice it would be to produce VS solutions automatically.
But that's only useful if cmake can do complicated things.

	So here's my challenge: Show me a cmake setup that will craft a VS
solution for clp. With VS2010, on Windows 7. Including DLLs and
assemblies. With optional components that the user can choose at build
time. At that point, I'll start to consider the effort of switching.
Otherwise, it isn't worth it, because we'll still have to craft complex
VS solutions by hand.


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