[Cbc] How to set the DIRECTORY param

Stefan Vigerske stefan at math.hu-berlin.de
Mon Oct 6 08:03:18 EDT 2008


> Another question:
> If I use CbcMain1, how do I format the options sent to CbcMain1 via  
> the argv list of strings ?

As if they come from the command line.
For example:
const char** cbc_args = new const char*[6];
cbc_args[0] = "mycbc";
cbc_args[1] = "-threads";
cbc_args[2] = "3";
cbc_args[3] = "-preprocess";
cbc_args[4] = "off";
cbc_args[5] = "-quit";

What you put into argument 0 should not matter. CBC will display it as 
name of exectuable.


Stefan Vigerske
Humboldt University Berlin, Numerical Mathematics

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