[Cbc] cbc MILP 'warm start'

Matthew Galati magh at lehigh.edu
Tue Jun 3 16:17:01 EDT 2008

A few questions:
 (1) Can CBC be 'warm-started' with a full and/or partial MILP solution? 
For things like red-cost fixing, fathoming, etc. If so, how?
 (2) Can CBC be given a starting upper bound (for a minimization)? i.e., 
(1) w/o the actual solution, just the bound.
 (3) Can (1) and (2) be done through the OsiCbc / any Osi interface?
 (4) I am pretty sure Cplex can do (1) and (2), how would one do this 
through the OsiCpx interface?
 (5) Where can I find a list of Cbc (library) parameters and what they 
do? I suspect, if (2) is possible, it is just a parameter - but I am not 
sure where I find that - I checked CbcParam.hpp but there are no 


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