[Cbc] Using CBC and CPLEX to solve an IP with an exponential number constraints

Mathieu LACROIX lacroix at lamsade.dauphine.fr
Thu Dec 11 04:01:41 EST 2008


I'm using CBC to solve an integer linear problem which is defined with 
an exponential number of constraints. If CLP is used as the linear 
solver, everything works fine. However, when I replace CLP by CPLEX, 
during the cutting plane stage, the program always aborts because of the 
following assert :
usppdp: CbcModel.cpp:10192: void CbcModel::setBestSolution(CBC_Message, 
double&, const double*, int): Assertion `basis != __null' failed.

As the variable basis is obtained by the instruction
CoinWarmStartBasis * basis = 
dynamic_cast<CoinWarmStartBasis*>(saveSolver->getWarmStart()) ; ,

the problem seems to come from the warmStart of CPLEX. Is there any way 
to solve this problem?  Do  I need to disable the warm start stage in  
OsiCpxSolverInterface (How can I do that in this case)?

Thanks in advance,


lacroix at lamsade.dauphine.fr
Laboratoire LAMSADE
Université Paris Dauphine
Place du Maréchal de Lattre de Tassigny
75775 Paris cedex 16 - France
Tel: +33 (0)1 44 05 48 53
URL: http://epoc.isima.fr/~lacroix/

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