[Cbc] Getting feasible solutions when they are generated

John J Forrest jjforre at us.ibm.com
Fri Nov 2 15:08:08 EDT 2007

The question is not all naive.

You will need to pass in an event handler to cbc.  It is not perfect but 
there is an (updated) example at Cbc/examples/driver4.cpp

John Forrest

Vahid Namazi <vana_ie at yahoo.com> 
Sent by: cbc-bounces at list.coin-or.org
11/01/2007 10:07 PM

cbc at list.coin-or.org

[Cbc] Getting feasible solutions when they are generated


I'm new in Coin and I have a naive question. Is there
any way that I can have an access to a portal to the
nodes of branch and bound tree with integer feasible
solutions? Suppose I need to write the feasible
solution somewhere in the file. How can I do it?


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