[Bonmin] Unconstrained MINLP

Ramesh, Ujwal (rameshul) rameshul at mail.uc.edu
Wed Oct 29 14:39:47 EDT 2014

Hi All,

I am trying to run Bonmin for my application which is an unconstrained MINLP. I am calling Bonmin through a C++ interface.

To invoke Bonmin, I need to define a few virtual functions inm y code.

As my application is an unconstrained MINLP, I will not be defining the constraint variables, constraint functions,function to compute jacobian and the function to compute the hessian of the Lagrangean ( eval_g, eval_jac_g,eval_h etc. ).

By not defining the above function I am initializing the respective vectors, matrices and the variables (number of non zeros in jacobian and hessian ) to NULL but this is causing the solver to fail with a length error.

I am a rookie to optimization and any inputs as to what I am missing is much appreciated. I guess I am missing something conceptually as I have double checked syntactical/logical correctness of code.

Thanks a lot in advance.


Ujwal Ramesh
Graduate Student,
University Of Cincinnati
Ph: +1-513-302-4771
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