[Bonmin] Hessian by finite differences

Edson Cordeiro do Valle edsoncv at enq.ufrgs.br
Mon Mar 2 06:12:12 EST 2009

I'm writing to make a small contribution to the project.
Recently I made a small and simple code to evaluate the Hessian by 
finite differences. I did that code since I needed bonmin to solve  
integer problems and at that time, this feature was not available. I 
would like to know if you have interest in incorporating this code into 
Ipopt (around 30-40 lines). I think it is a good opportunity for people 
who wants to use bonmin and other codes. Although it is not very 
efficient it's working well.

                                                  Edson C. do Valle
                                                edsoncv at enq.ufrgs.br
                                                   Skype: edson.cv

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