[Bonmin] filterSQP

Gulay Samatli gs89 at drexel.edu
Tue Aug 19 20:16:26 EDT 2008

Hi all,

I want to use filterSQP instead Ipopt in my experiments. I tried to switch from Ipopt to SQP, but I was not able to do. Could anyone tell me how I can include it in my code? 

I tried the following comment lines after stating 'option solver bonmin' :

options bonmin_options "bonmin.algorithm B-BB bonmin.nlp_solver filterSQP";

options bonmin_options "bonmin.algorithm B-BB bonmin.solver filterSQP";

options bonmin_options "bonmin.algorithm B-BB bonmin.nlp_solver EFilterSQP";

options bonmin_options "bonmin.algorithm B-BB bonmin.solver EFilterSQP"; 

All above cause the same error message 'unknown keyword'



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