[ADOL-C] using adolc with openmp

Ian Washington washinid at mcmaster.ca
Mon Mar 17 17:49:42 EDT 2014

Hello all,

I have a similar question related to using adolc and openmp, somewhat 
based on http://list.coin-or.org/pipermail/adol-c/2014-February/000951.html

In my case, I have no openmp directives in the function to be traced and 
all I want to do is evaluate a traced function at different independent 
variable values in an openmp for loop.

My question is:

Is it possible to only trace the function on one thread and then 
simultaneously evaluate the derivatives (at different values) using 
multiple threads?

I'm thinking this is not possible because the same memory location would 
be simultaneously accessed and written to, and thus I would need to have 
an independent function trace (i.e., independent memory location) for 
each thread.

Off the top of my head I guess I could create a whole bunch of function 
traces indexed by different tags and then just refer to the appropriate 
tag depending on the particular thread, but this seems quite inefficient.

Does anybody have any thoughts on how I could do this ?


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