[ADOL-C] Using Adol-C with OpenMP

Kshitij Kulshreshtha kshitij at math.upb.de
Wed Feb 19 11:29:10 EST 2014


unfortunately the OpenMP interface isn't well tested and a lot of the
OpenMP specification, that would help us design a better interface in
ADOL-C is still theoretical and was not implemented in compilers like
gcc the last time I took a look at it. (e.g. threadprivate)

The only way the current interface works for sure that I know of is the
following. You start the parallel section before the trace_on() call with

#pragma openmp parallel ADOLC_OPENMP
// somewhere here you can have
#pragma openmp for
for (...) { ... }


// and then all the derivative computations





You should also try out the svn trunk version. As we are just a little
bit away from releasing ADOL-C vesion 2.5.0
There have been some drastic changes in the internal memory management
since version 2.4.0 so maybe that will get rid of the error you encounter.


As on 2014-02-19 16:33h, Pierre Martinon did write:
> Hello everyone,
> I have been trying to use Adol-C in combination with OpenMP, and I got a
> bit confused between the manual and the example.
> The sequential version of the code runs fine, the openmp part without
> automatic differentiation seems to be correct as well.
> I built Adol-C 2.4.0 and Colpack 1.0.9 with OpenMP enabled.
> (during the make for Adol-C I encountered an error about a missing
> adolc_openmp.h, copying the file into src/ seemed to solve the issue)
> The tape is something like
> /    trace_on(tag_L);//
> //    for(i=0; i < n; i++)//
> //        m_x_ad[i] <<= 1e0;//
> //    for(i=0; i < m; i++)//
> //        m_lambda_ad[i] <<= 1e0;//
> //    m_objfactor_ad <<= 1e0;//
> //    evalObjective(n,m_x_ad,m_objvalue_ad);//
> //    m_lagvalue_ad = m_objvalue_ad * m_objfactor_ad;//
> //    evalConstraints(n,m_x_ad,m,m_g_ad);//
> //    for(i=0; i < m; i++)//
> //        m_lagvalue_ad += m_g_ad[i] * m_lambda_ad[i];//
> //    m_lagvalue_ad >>= dummy;//
> //    trace_off();/
> /    // build sparsity pattern//
> //    m_row_hess_total = NULL;//
> //    m_col_hess_total = NULL;//
> //    m_val_hess = NULL;//
> //    m_options_hess[0] = 0;//
> //    m_options_hess[1] = 1; //
> //
> //    // full Hessian wrt (x,lambda,objfactor)//
> //    sparse_hess(tag_L, n+m+1, 0, m_xlf, &m_nnz_hess_total,
> &m_row_hess_total, &m_col_hess_total, &m_val_hess, m_options_hess);/
> and somewhere in the function evalConstraints I have an openMP loop
> /   #pragma omp parallel for default(none) shared(...) schedule(dynamic) /
> /   for (int i=0; ....)//
> //   {//
> //   ...//
> //   }/
> I added the #include <adolc/adolc_openmp.h>, and the ADOLC_OPENMP macro
> at the end of the pragma.
> Is it supposed to be enough ?
> Currently I get these errors during the call to evalConstraints (before
> the actual call to sparse_hessian)
> /bocop: tape_handling.cpp:1373: virtual void
> StoreManagerLocintBlock::free_loc(locint): Assertion `loc < maxsize'
> failed.//
> /
> Any help would be greatly appreciated,
> Pierre Martinon
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Dr. Kshitij Kulshreshtha

Institut für Mathematik,
Universität Paderborn,
Warburger Straße 100,
33098 Paderborn.

Büro: A3.235

Arnikaweg 62
33100 Paderborn.

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