[ADOL-C] advector example

Antoine De Blois antoine.deblois at aero.bombardier.com
Fri Mar 22 17:24:42 EDT 2013

Hi everyone,

I was trying to find a way to avoid retaping when the index of an array changes  for a different taping point. I found today the advector, which sounds very promising for my application.

I want to have the advector 's as members of a class and I want to efficiently construct the advector. I don't think that the
advector(const std::vector<adouble>& v) will be efficient due to the involved copies. Is it done this way to avoid the lvalue issue?

Is there any C++ code example someone is willing to share? I tried to search quickly on the web but I could not find any. This article confirms that ADOL-C can do what I want:
"Computing derivatives in a meshless simulation using permuation in ADOL-C." Kulshreshtha

Thank you for your time,

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