[ADOL-C] gcc or g++
Kharche, Sanjay
S.R.Kharche at exeter.ac.uk
Fri Dec 13 13:07:24 EST 2013
Many thanks for the rapid reply. I worked through the odexam.cpp example. accode sets the values of 2 3D arrays (code pasted below) and 1 2D array, none of which are the Jacobian of the ODE that is defined in tracerhs. How do I get the Jacobian?
Also, if you have a simple example of how to calculate a Jacobian from ADOL-C and then feed that into CVODES, that will help in the local sensitivity analysis that I would like to do.
#include "adolc/adolc.h"
#include <iostream>
void tracerhs(short int tag, double* py, double* pyprime) {
adouble y[3]; // we left the parameters passive
adouble yprime[3];
y[0] <<= py[0]; y[1] <<= py[1]; y[2] <<= py[2]; // initialize and mark independents
yprime[0] = -sin(y[2]) + 1.0e8*y[2]*(1.0-1.0/y[0]);
yprime[1] = -10.0*y[0] + 3.0e7*y[2]*(1-y[1]);
yprime[2] = -yprime[0] - yprime[1];
yprime[0] >>= pyprime[0]; yprime[1] >>= pyprime[1]; yprime[2] >>= pyprime[2]; // mark and pass dependents
trace_off(1); // write tape array onto a file
} // end tracerhs
int main() {
int i,j,deg,k;
int n = 3;
double py[3];
double pyp[3];
deg = 5; // this is an input.
short** nz = new short*[n];
double **X;
double ***Z; // what are Z and B?
double ***B;
X = myalloc2(n,deg+1); // these are ADOL-C functions
Z = myalloc3(n,n,deg);
B = myalloc3(n,n,deg);
for(i=0; i<n; i++) {
py[i] = (i==0) ? 1.0 : 0.0; // Initialize the base point
X[i][0] = py[i]; // and the Taylor coefficient;
nz[i] = new short[n]; // set up sparsity array. So this array is sparsity,
} // end for
tracerhs(1,py,pyp); // trace RHS with tag = 1
// what does forode do?
forode(1,n,deg,X); // compute deg coefficients
// what does reverse do?
reverse(1,n,n,deg-1,Z,nz); // U defaults to the identity
printf("nonzero pattern:\n");
for(i=0; i<n; i++) {
for(j=0; j<n; j++)
printf("%d \t",nz[i][j]);
} // end for
// see what is in B and Z for all degrees of the Taylor polynomial.
for(k = 0; k<deg; k++){
printf("B (at k = %d):\n",k);
for(i=0; i<n; i++) {
for(j=0; j<n; j++)
printf("%f \t",B[i][j][k]);
} // end for
printf("Z (at k = %d):\n",k);
for(i=0; i<n; i++) {
for(j=0; j<n; j++)
printf("%f \t",Z[i][j][k]);
} // end for
return 1;
} // end main
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