[ADOL-C] gcc or g++

Kharche, Sanjay S.R.Kharche at exeter.ac.uk
Thu Dec 12 08:54:28 EST 2013

Dear All

I am a new user of ADOL-C and am currently working through the examples and making some of my own programs. I am interested in numerically calculating Jacobians of a 40 state ODE system.

At this point, I would like cofirmation of the following: When I use "adouble" in a C program and compile with gcc, I get an unknown type error. When I compile the same program (after changing its extension from .c to .cpp) using g++, the program compiles. Can you confirm that ADOL-C program can only be cpp programs.

Further to the above query, I have looked for C examples using ADOL-C and could not find any. If there are any examples, can you please point them out to me.


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