[ADOL-C] ADOL-C error: Used tape (2) was written with locints of size 0, size 4 required

Verhoeven, Ronald Ronald.Verhoeven at nlr.nl
Mon Feb 27 07:45:50 EST 2012


I am using ADOL-C-2.2.1 in combination with the PSOPT optimizer on a Win XP 32-bit platform with VS2008. When the number of nodes in PSOPT exceed a certain limit, I got the following ADOL-C error:

ADOL-C error: Used tape (2) was written with locints of size 0, size 4 required.

It seems to me that some ADOL-C buffer is overrun, or somewhere within ADOL-C some limit is reached.

What can I do to solve this issue? Any help would be appreciated.



National Aerospace Laboratory - NLR

Ir. R.P.M. (Ronald) Verhoeven

Cockpit and Flight Operations

+31(0)20 511 3557

verhoeve at nlr.nl

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