[ADOL-C] What does it means "Compressed sparse structures will not be available / Only sparsity patterns can be computed" ?

Antonello Lobianco antonello at lobianco.org
Fri Aug 17 11:09:01 EDT 2012

Hello, if anyone is interested I implemented the LuksanVlcek1 example using
the sparsity patterns provided by jac_pat() and hess_pat(), passing only
the non zeros to IPOPT:


2012/8/16 Andrea Walther <andrea.walther at uni-paderborn.de>

> > So I can still compute the dense Jacobian and the dense Hessian but then
> > pass to IPOPT only the non-zero elements that I get from jac_pat() and
> > hess_pat()..
> yes, this should work
> Andrea
> --
> Prof. Dr. Andrea Walther
> Lehrstuhl fuer Mathematik und ihre Anwendungen
> Institut fuer Mathematik
> Universitaet Paderborn
> Warburger Str. 100
> 33098 Paderborn
> Email: andrea.walther at uni-paderborn.de
> Phone: ++49 5251 602721
> Fax:   ++49 5251 603728
> **********

Antonello Lobianco
INRA, Laboratoire d'Economie Forestière
14 Rue Girardet - 54000 Nancy, France
Tel: +33.652392310
Email: antonello.lobianco at nancy-engref.inra.fr
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