[ADOL-C] What does it means "Compressed sparse structures will not be available / Only sparsity patterns can be computed" ?

Kshitij Kulshreshtha kshitij at math.upb.de
Thu Aug 16 08:59:21 EDT 2012

Hello, this means that you enabled sparse drivers in the configure
script but it was not able to find the binary of libColPack or the
ColPackHeaders.h file. Please make sure you used --with-colpack=DIR in
the configure command and make sure ColPack is installed correctly in
DIR. On 64-bit systems you may have to tell ColPack to install the
binary in ${prefix}/lib64 by passing --libdir=${prefix}/lib64 to the
configure command of ColPack.

As on 2012-08-16 10:34, Antonello Lobianco did write:
> Hello, what does this exactly means?
> Build sparse drivers:          yes
> Build with ColPack:            no
> Compressed sparse structures will not be available
> Only sparsity patterns can be computed
> I'm using ADOL-C as AD tool for the IPOPT solver and having problems
> with ColPack when I need to run multiple optimisation problems (in
> series) I implemented an algorithm for finding sparsity structure for my
> specific model, at least for the Jacobian.
> Then I replaced the eval_jac_g() function in the LuksanVlcek1 or
> MittelmannDistCntrlNeumA examples
> (ADOL-C/examples/additional_examples/ipopt) with:
> eval_jac_g(){
>   if (values == NULL) {
>     // return the structure of the jacobian,
>     for(Index idx=0;idx<nzjelements.size();idx++){
>       iRow[idx] = nzjelements[idx][0];
>       jCol[idx] = nzjelements[idx][1];
>     }
>  }
>   else {
>     // return the values of the jacobian of the constraints
>     jacobian(tag_g,m,n,x,Jac);
>     for(Index idx=0;idx<nzjelements.size();idx++){
>       values[idx] = Jac[nzjelements[idx][0]][nzjelements[idx][1]];
>     }
>   }
>   return true;
> }
> where vector < vector <Index> > nzelements is the vector of non zero
> elements in my model, with nzelements[i][0] the row position and
> nzelements[i][1] the column one.
> Is this the most efficient implementation or there could be a better way
> to compute sparsity patterns?
> Thank you,
>       Antonello
> -- 
> Antonello Lobianco
> INRA, Laboratoire d'Economie Forestière
> 14 Rue Girardet - 54000 Nancy, France
> Tel: +33.652392310
> Email: antonello.lobianco at nancy-engref.inra.fr
> <mailto:antonello.lobianco at nancy-engref.inra.fr>
> http://antonello.lobianco.org <http://antonello.lobianco.org/>
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Dr. Kshitij Kulshreshtha

Institut für Mathematik,
Universität Paderborn,
Warburger Straße 100,
33098 Paderborn.

Büro: A3.235

Arnikaweg 62
33100 Paderborn.

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