[ADOL-C] Cygwin build of ADOL-C fails

Mihai Pomarlan mpomarlan at yahoo.co.uk
Wed Jun 8 09:58:25 EDT 2011

Hello, and wow that was a quicker response than expected. 

Unfortunately the problem is still there.

Here's what I did-

- un-tared the ADOL-C archive, 
- went to the ADOL-C-2.1.12 folder that appeared afterwards,
- copied ColPack to ThirdParty/ColPack (an already built ColPack, since ADOL-C doesn't build it and expects it there)
- ran autoreconf
- ran configure --enable-sparse --enable-static
- make

Same messages appeared, about .deps/drivers.Tpo not existing.

With regard,
Mihai Pomarlan

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