[ADOL-C] IPOPT interface on Windows - heap error

Spacecookies spacecookies1 at hotmail.com
Tue Jan 4 18:49:36 EST 2011

I investigated this a little further today and found that the non-sparse 
versions (LuksanVlcek1 and MittelmannDistCntrlNeumA) work perfectly for me 
on both Linux and Windows (I hadn't tried them before). The sparse versions 
(LuksanVlcek1_sparse and MittelmannDistCntrlNeumA_sparse) however crash on 
both Linux and Windows with nearly identical stack-traces. On both systems 
it seems to happen in freeSparseHessInfos().

To see if the sparse functionality is working properly, I tried the 3 
examples from ADOL-C\examples\additional_examples\sparse. All three seemed 
to run just fine on both Windows and Linux.

I'm quite surprised to see the same behaviour on both Windows and Linux. Are 
there other tests I should try to help narrow down the problem?

My Linux system is Ubuntu 10.10 32-bit (Desktop), with:
ipopt 3.8.3-2
ADOL-C-2.1.12 (configured with --enable-sparse, and ColPack in 
ADOL-C\ThirdParty\ColPack dir)

As always, any insight is appreciated.


-----Original Message----- 
From: Andrea Walther
Sent: Thursday, December 23, 2010 12:01 AM
To: Spacecookies
Cc: adol-c at list.coin-or.org
Subject: Re: [ADOL-C] IPOPT interface on Windows - heap error


> I’ve just tried building the
> ADOL-C\examples\additional_examples\ipopt\LuksanVlcek1_sparse example in
> Visual Studio 2010, (Windows 7 32-bit). Has anyone done this before? I’m
> getting a strange runtime error.

we tested the windows version of ADOL-C and the coupling with ColPack
on the Windows platform available to us. There, everything worked fine.
We are not aware of any other problems using Windows.

Since I saw also the discussion on the Ipopt mailing list, it might
really be a good point to start using Linux :-)

Happy holidays

Andrea Walther

Prof. Dr. Andrea Walther
Lehrstuhl fuer Mathematik und ihre Anwendungen
Institut fuer Mathematik
Universitaet Paderborn
Warburger Str. 100
33098 Paderborn

Email: andrea.walther at uni-paderborn.de
Phone: ++49 5251 602721
Fax:   ++49 5251 603728


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