[ADOL-C] memory issue

Rishi Amrit amrit at wisc.edu
Wed Sep 8 14:29:04 EDT 2010

On Wed, Sep 8, 2010 at 12:35 PM, Rishi Amrit <amrit at wisc.edu> wrote:

> Hi,
>    I am using ADOLC to compute sparse jacobian and hessian for solving an
> optimization problem using IPOPT nlp solver. As required, I first create
> tapes and generate the sparsity patters using spase_jac and sparse_hess with
> repeat argument as 0. Then when IPOPT calls the ADOLC function to evaulate
> the jacobian and hessian at its iterates, I call sparse_jac and sparse_hess
> with repeat=1, reusing the sparsity pattern computed initialy. Once the
> optimization is completed, I free up the rind, cind, jacval and hessval
> variables as required and the function terminates. Now I'm calling this
> function from octave. When I call the function again with different
> parameters, the above sequence repeats but what I see is that when sparse
> drivers are called with ipopt, the memory usage steeps up and hence
> evaluation time is higher, even though the problem dimensions are the same.
> I am not sure why this might be happening. Either some memory is not
> deallocating properly in each call or something. Any ideas on this would be
> highly appreciated.

Addendum to my previous email. I compiled ADOLC with debugging enabled and
ran my code with valgrind. Among the huge chunk of output, here is something
that caught my attention (See below)
The number in front of operation 0 seems to keep on shooting high after
every function call. I am not sure what this number means.



ADOL-C warning: !!! Taylor information for tape 3 found that will be
overwritten !!!

Tape contains:
operation   0:      1 time(s) - 102384 taylors written ( 102384.00 per
operation   1:  10210 time(s) -  20420 taylors written (      2.00 per
operation   2:      1 time(s) -      0 taylors written (      0.00 per
operation   3:   8565 time(s) -  17130 taylors written (      2.00 per
operation   5:   1797 time(s) -   3594 taylors written (      2.00 per
operation   6:   7638 time(s) -  15276 taylors written (      2.00 per
operation  10:      1 time(s) -      2 taylors written (      2.00 per
operation  11:   8690 time(s) -  17380 taylors written (      2.00 per
operation  12:    314 time(s) -    628 taylors written (      2.00 per
operation  13:   2700 time(s) -   5400 taylors written (      2.00 per
operation  15:   5695 time(s) -  11390 taylors written (      2.00 per
operation  16:  11533 time(s) -  23066 taylors written (      2.00 per
operation  32:      1 time(s) -      0 taylors written (      0.00 per
operation  33:      1 time(s) -      0 taylors written (      0.00 per
operation  34:      1 time(s) -      0 taylors written (      0.00 per
operation  35:      2 time(s) -      0 taylors written (      0.00 per
operation  39:      1 time(s) -      0 taylors written (      0.00 per
operation  41:   2999 time(s) -   5998 taylors written (      2.00 per
operation  44:   6004 time(s) -  12008 taylors written (      2.00 per
operation  45:   1351 time(s) -   2702 taylors written (      2.00 per
operation  54:   4959 time(s) -      0 taylors written (      0.00 per
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