[ADOL-C] .adolcrc output

Kshitij Kulshreshtha kshitij at math.upb.de
Wed Nov 17 16:16:14 EST 2010

Hello Sebastian,

As on 2010-11-17 21:37, Sebastian Walter did write:
> Hello KK, hello Andrea,
> I'm using .adolcrc to change the buffer sizes.
> It works as expected, even with pyadolc.
> It's not a big deal, but I find the debugging output
>  .adolcrc found! => Try to parse it!
> ****************************************
> Found operation buffer size: 33554432
> Found location buffer size: 33554432
> Found value buffer size: 33554432
> Found taylor buffer size: 33554432
> ****************************************
> a little annoying, especially in a live Python session.
> Is it possible to turn it off? Maybe with a flag in the .adolcrc file itself?

You can try to redirect stderr by starting

python 2>/dev/null

Or you can test the attached patch. (Caution: it's only compile-tested.
I've not run any programs with it yet.)

Kshitij Kulshreshtha

Institut für Mathematik,
Universität Paderborn,
Warburger Straße 100,
33098 Paderborn.

Büro: A3.235

Arnikaweg 62
33100 Paderborn.
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