[ADOL-C] RFT: Visual Studio dll version

Chuck Teeter chuck.teeter at gmail.com
Sat Jun 26 11:54:50 EDT 2010

Hi Kshitij,

I tested the dll and noticed a couple of things.  First, users of the dll
built with Visual Studio 2010 will need to download the Visual C++ 2010
runtime redistributables (win32 and x64 as required) before using it.
Second, I noticed that my test program fails (I receive an access violation)
in calls to the function myfree(), which is defined in adalloc.h.  I think
some additional preprocessor symbols may need to be added to the VS 2010
project for this function to work correctly in Windows.  Here is what I
currently use:


I think the last two symbols (HAVE_MALLOC and HAVE_REALLOC) are the ones
that affect the implementation of memory allocation/deallocation.  I didn't
see these in your project file, and wonder if this might be the reason.

On Tue, Jun 22, 2010 at 9:06 AM, Kshitij Kulshreshtha
<kshitij at math.upb.de>wrote:

> Hello everyone,
>   this is a second attempt requesting the testing a Windows dll version
> of ADOL-C. The first attempt was presumably swallowed by the mailing
> list due to a too large attachment. Please excuse me if you're getting
> this email multiple times.
> Please find a tarball at
> <url:http://www2.math.uni-paderborn.de/index.php?id=12067&L=1> "First
> Windows support of current version (tar.gz)", containing the ADOL-C
> Sources and Visual Studio 2010 project and solution files. The tarball
> also contains the results of my compilation on 32bit Windows XP.
> The subdirectory of interest is 'windows/' and the project file has two
> configurations 'sparse' and 'nosparse'. Since the 'sparse' version
> requires linking with ColPack, the sources and the Visual Studio project
> file is included in the 'ThirdParty/ColPack/' subdirectory.
> The documented examples in 'ADOL-C/examples' can also be compiled using
> the Visual Studio project and solution files in that directory. These
> also have the configurations 'sparse' or 'nosparse' analoguous to the dll.
> Please test the precompiled dll and exe files contained in the tarball
> as well as the Visual Studio files by trying to compile the dll and the
> examples again. Please refer to the files Readme_VC++.txt in the
> respective subdirectories too.
> Since I am not an expert on Windows, I am unsure as to what files must
> be distributed as the 'official' precompiled ADOL-C library for Windows
> and in what format.
> I would be thankful for all the input I can get.
> Thanks.
> --
> Kshitij Kulshreshtha
> Institut für Mathematik,
> Universität Paderborn,
> Warburger Straße 100,
> 33098 Paderborn.
> Büro: A3.319
> Privatanschrift:
> Arnikaweg 62
> 33100 Paderborn.
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