[Coin-rpx] Center for Telecommunications Value Chain Research

Lowe, Benjamin M (Ben) blowe at lucent.com
Sat Feb 25 23:03:15 EST 2006

Here is a description of an effort led by the Irish government to promote value chain research.   This an example of how government can contribute in a major way to combine academic research with industrial partners.

The Centre for Telecommunications Value-Chain Research (CTVR) is focused on applying a value-chain perspective to research aimed at realizing the next generation of telecommunications networks.

It brings together a multi-disciplinary group of researchers drawn from many Irish Universities together with a carefully chosen set of industrial partners to work on those engineering and scientific challenges that will make the most difference to the telecommunications networks of the future. The center is headquartered at Trinity College Dublin and is directed by  <http://www.ctvr.ie/partners.php#management> Prof. Donal O'Mahony.

The initial funding for the centre and the associated  <http://www.lucent.ie/bell-labs> Bell Labs Ireland Research Centre comes from the Irish Government via  <http://www.sfi.ie/> Science Foundation Ireland and  <http://www.ida.ie/> IDA Ireland as well as from our industrial partner  <http://www.bell-labs.com/> Bell Labs.

There are five strands of research: 

1) Optimization and Management

2) Emerging Network Architectures

3) Photonics

4) RF

5) Testing and Reliability

If you want to find out more about this effort, the website, http://www.ctvr.ie/index.php <http://www.ctvr.ie/index.php> , has more information and you can also contact me at blowe at lucent.com <mailto:blowe at lucent.com> .

Ben Lowe 
Supply Chain Networks 
Lucent Technologies 
Tel:  908-582-4064


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