<p>"Reasonable?". It will solve problems where bounds will fit into an integer variable i.e. about 2.0e9.<br>
I have modified trunk so will modify integer upper bounds if too large.<br>
John Forrest<br>
<img width="16" height="16" src="cid:1__=0ABBFE71DFCF49AC8f9e8a93df938@us.ibm.com" border="0" alt="Inactive hide details for Jan-Willem Goossens ---10/14/2008 10:42:27 AM---Hi,"><font color="#424282">Jan-Willem Goossens ---10/14/2008 10:42:27 AM---Hi,</font><br>
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<font size="2" color="#5F5F5F">From:</font></td><td width="100%"><img width="1" height="1" src="cid:2__=0ABBFE71DFCF49AC8f9e8a93df938@us.ibm.com" border="0" alt=""><br>
<font size="2">Jan-Willem Goossens <jhmgoossens@hotmail.com></font></td></tr>
<tr valign="top"><td width="1%"><img width="96" height="1" src="cid:2__=0ABBFE71DFCF49AC8f9e8a93df938@us.ibm.com" border="0" alt=""><br>
<font size="2" color="#5F5F5F">To:</font></td><td width="100%"><img width="1" height="1" src="cid:2__=0ABBFE71DFCF49AC8f9e8a93df938@us.ibm.com" border="0" alt=""><br>
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<font size="2" color="#5F5F5F">Date:</font></td><td width="100%"><img width="1" height="1" src="cid:2__=0ABBFE71DFCF49AC8f9e8a93df938@us.ibm.com" border="0" alt=""><br>
<font size="2">10/14/2008 10:42 AM</font></td></tr>
<tr valign="top"><td width="1%"><img width="96" height="1" src="cid:2__=0ABBFE71DFCF49AC8f9e8a93df938@us.ibm.com" border="0" alt=""><br>
<font size="2" color="#5F5F5F">Subject:</font></td><td width="100%"><img width="1" height="1" src="cid:2__=0ABBFE71DFCF49AC8f9e8a93df938@us.ibm.com" border="0" alt=""><br>
<font size="2">[Osi] OsiClp branchandbound</font></td></tr>
<hr width="100%" size="2" align="left" noshade style="color:#8091A5; "><br>
<font face="Tahoma">Hi,<br>
I understand that the "branchAndBound" method as part of OsiClpSolverInterface is not for 'heavy' use, however:<br>
Is it correct that OsiClp will only solve problems where the integer variables have reasonable upper (and lower, I guess) bounds?<br>
For example, I've tried a simple problem like max x1 + x2, st. x1 + 2 * x2 <= 3.9 with x1, x2 >= 0 and integer.<br>
L R0000000<br>
C0000000 OBJROW 1. R0000000 1. <br>
C0000001 OBJROW 1. R0000000 2. <br>
RHS R0000000 3.9 <br>
UI BOUND C0000000 1e+30<br>
UI BOUND C0000001 1e+30<br>
This wont solve correctly <br>
Coin0506I Presolve 0 (-1) rows, 0 (-2) columns and 0 (-2) elements<br>
Clp0000I Optimal - objective value 3.9<br>
Coin0511I After Postsolve, objective 3.9, infeasibilities - dual 0 (0), primal 0 (0)<br>
Clp0032I Optimal objective 3.9 - 0 iterations time 0.002, Presolve 0.00<br>
Clp0006I 0 Obj 3.9 Primal inf 3.9 (1)<br>
Clp0006I 1 Obj -0<br>
Clp0001I Primal infeasible - objective value -0<br>
(and stops here)<br>
unless I add something like x1, x2 <= 10<br>
Is this an (undocument?) requirement, or am I doing something wrong..<br>
Jan-Willem Goossens<br>
<font face="Tahoma"><br>
</font><hr width="100%" size="2" align="left"><font face="Tahoma">Je foto's bewerken en in elkaar laten overlopen </font><a href="http://get.live.com/nl-nl/wl/all" target="_new"><u><font color="#0000FF" face="Tahoma">met Windows Live Fotogalerij</font></u></a><tt>_______________________________________________<br>
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