<div dir="ltr"><div><div><div><div><div><div><div><div>Hi,<br><br>I did some testing and I noticed that it also happens with the tutorial problem written on the ipopt website.<br><br></div>My code looks like this:<br><br>int main(int argv, char* argc[]){<br>
<br> for(int i = 0; i < 15; i++)<br> loop();<br><br>}<br><br></div>int loop(){<br><br>// Create a new instance of your nlp <br>// (use a SmartPtr, not raw)<br>SmartPtr<TNLP> mynlp = new hs071_nlp(/*a,b,c,d*/);<br>
<br>// Create a new instance of IpoptApplication<br>...<br><br><br></div>The function called 'loop' contains the tutorial ipopt problem.<br></div>If I lower the tolerance to 1e-3 (which shouldn't be a problem because if the algorithm is deterministic two consecutive runs should look the same, independently from the tolerance) I get this results:<br>
</div><div>iterations<br></div>1.Objective...............: 1.7014117428683792e-007 1.7014117428683793e+001<br>2.Objective...............: 1.7014117428684237e-007 1.7014117428684237e+001<br>3.Objective...............: 1.7014117428684237e-007 1.7014117428684237e+001<br>
4.Objective...............: 1.7014117428684237e-007 1.7014117428684237e+001<br><br><br></div>Why the first iteration is different?<br><br><br></div>Kind regards,<br></div>Roberto.<br></div>