Hello.. I use normally ipopt but for a project I need a solver for a Quadratic Problem (so I don't need to pass all the extra-information for general nonlinear programming.. hessian, jacobian..)<br><br>For LP I use GLPK, but I am now lost on what to use for QP.. within the COIN-OR projects I can see Clp, but from the manual I got that QP is not at his core...<br>
Then I found JOptimizer, but again I have no idea of the performances nor how it will be easy to link a java program from a C++ program (I never used Java)..<br><br>Any suggestions? I would prefer to find an open source fast QP solver working on Linux/Win (MinGW).<br>
Thank you...<br clear="all"><br>-- <br>Antonello Lobianco<br>INRA, Laboratoire d'Economie Forestière<br>14 Rue Girardet - 54000 Nancy, France<br>Tel: +33.652392310<br>Email: <a href="mailto:antonello.lobianco@nancy-engref.inra.fr" target="_blank">antonello.lobianco@nancy-engref.inra.fr</a><br>
<a href="http://antonello.lobianco.org/" target="_blank">http://antonello.lobianco.org</a>