This message initially began as a query for help but after some debugging, I found a solution--so I'm just posting the results for the benefit of others, since I've seen that others have had this <a href=",+matlab+interface,+On+entry+to+DPOTRF+parameter+number++4+had+an+illegal+value&hl=en&client=ubuntu&channel=fs&prmd=ivns&filter=0&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.&fp=44b3839bd44fe786" target="_blank">similar problem</a>.<br>
<br>I'm running Matlab 7.10 glnxa64 on Ubuntu 10.10. I am getting the following error when running the examplehs051.m from Matlab:
"On entry to DPOTRF parameter number 4 had an illegal value"<br><br>I have tried the following suggestions from the mailing list, with no success:<br>(1) Configure IPOPT using: --with-blas=BUILD and --with-lapack=BUILD. Make clean, recompile from scratch.<br>
(2) Configure IPOPT using: g++-4.2 and gcc-4.2 (compatible for Matlab 7.10 glnxa64 on Linux). Make clean, recompile from scratch.<br>(3) Configure IPOPT using: gfortran -fdefault-integer-8. Make clean, recompile from scratch.<br>
(4) Configure IPOPT using: --with-blas=BUILD and --with-lapack=BUILD. Make clean, recompile from scratch.<br><br>All of the above compile successfully and run the given Matlab examples, except the example with limited memory hessian (examplehs051.m). Matlab still crashes.<br>
<br>(Another suggestion from the mailing list that I haven't tried: Modify the wrappers in Ipopt/src/LinAlg/IpBlas.cpp and IpLapack.cpp and ma27)<br>
<br>WHAT FINALLY WORKED--> <br>Configure IPOPT using: ADD_CXXFLAGS='-DFUNNY_LAPACK_FINT'. Make clean, recompile from scratch.<br><br>Therefore, my configuration command is the following: <br>./configure --prefix=/apps/Ipopt-3.9.3/Install --enable-static --with-matlab-home=/apps/R2010a CXX='g++-4.2 -m64' CC='gcc-4.2 -m64' F77='gfortran -m64' ADD_CXXFLAGS="-fPIC -fexceptions -DFUNNY_LAPACK_FINT" ADD_CFLAGS="-fPIC -fexceptions" ADD_FFLAGS="-fPIC -fexceptions"<br>
<br>Andreas Waechter suggested the working solution in a thread from 3/14/2011. Thanks so much, and I didn't see any response to this old thread that the suggestion worked, but it does work at least in my environment.<br>
<br>Many Thanks! -Anya<br><br>