I am having issues compiling IPOPT on Mac OS-X Snow Leopard. My configure script is as follows:<br><br><pre>./configure --prefix=$HOME/<span class="searchword0">ipopt</span>/install \<br> ADD_CFLAGS="-fno-common -fexceptions -no-cpp-precomp -fPIC" \<br>
ADD_CXXFLAGS="-fno-common -fexceptions -no-cpp-precomp -fPIC" \<br> ADD_FFLAGS="-x f77-cpp-input -fPIC -fno-common" \<br> FLIBS="-lg2c -lfrtbegin -lSystem -lgfortran" \<br>
F77=gfortran CC=gcc CXX=g++</pre><br>I am able to run "make", but I get the warnings that libg2c and libfrtbegin are of the wrong architecture. The libraries that are being used are in the directory /Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.5.sdk/usr/local/lib (which seems wrong since I would think I would want to use the 10.6 version). Next, when I compile the Matlab mex file, I get the same library warnings as during compilation of IPOPT itself. <br>
<br>The end result is that I get a mex file, but it crashes when I try to run it. Again, I am running on a 64-bit Mac with Snow Leopard. Also, I am using Matlab release 2009b.<br><br>- Anil<br><br clear="all"><br>-- <br>
Anil V. Rao<br>Assistant Professor<br>Dept. of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering<br>University of Florida<br>MAE-A Room 314<br>Gainesville, FL 32611-6250<br>E-mail: <a href="mailto:anilvrao@ufl.edu">anilvrao@ufl.edu</a><br>
Tel: (352) 392-5523 (office)<br> (352) 672-1529 (cell)<br><br>