Number of Iterations....: 5 (scaled) (unscaled) Objective...............: 3.7454407237017044e-04 3.7454407237017044e-04 Dual infeasibility......: 5.0237320408426712e-18 5.0237320408426712e-18 Constraint violation....: 4.3368086899420177e-19 4.3368086899420177e-19 Complementarity.........: 9.0909090909091448e-10 9.0909090909091448e-10 Overall NLP error.......: 9.0909090909091448e-10 9.0909090909091448e-10 Number of objective function evaluations = 6 Number of objective gradient evaluations = 6 Number of equality constraint evaluations = 6 Number of inequality constraint evaluations = 0 Number of equality constraint Jacobian evaluations = 6 Number of inequality constraint Jacobian evaluations = 0 Number of Lagrangian Hessian evaluations = 5 Total CPU secs in IPOPT (w/o function evaluations) = 0.256 Total CPU secs in NLP function evaluations = 0.000 EXIT: Optimal Solution Found. 2009-09-08 16:56:50 > Normal End : t = 015.000, dt = 00.232676, nit = 0005, phi(xi) = 000.000, kkt_error = 000.000, xi = [ 000.005 ; 000.003 ; 000.001 ; 000.001 ; ... ] List of options: Name Value # times used derivative_test = second-order 1 mu_strategy = adaptive 2 print_level = 7 3 tol = 1e-08 2 warm_start_init_point = yes 1 This is Ipopt version 3.7.0, running with linear solver ma27. Starting derivative checker for first derivatives. Starting derivative checker for second derivatives. No errors detected by derivative checker. Number of nonzeros in equality constraint Jacobian...: 291 Number of nonzeros in inequality constraint Jacobian.: 0 Number of nonzeros in Lagrangian Hessian.............: 197 Scaling parameter for objective function = 1.000000e+00 Equality constraints are not scaled. Initial values of x sufficiently inside the bounds. Initial values of s sufficiently inside the bounds. Total number of variables............................: 80 variables with only lower bounds: 0 variables with lower and upper bounds: 80 variables with only upper bounds: 0 Total number of equality constraints.................: 60 Total number of inequality constraints...............: 0 inequality constraints with only lower bounds: 0 inequality constraints with lower and upper bounds: 0 inequality constraints with only upper bounds: 0 ************************************************** *** Update HessianMatrix for Iteration 0: ************************************************** ************************************************** *** Summary of Iteration: 0: ************************************************** iter objective inf_pr inf_du lg(mu) ||d|| lg(rg) alpha_du alpha_pr ls 0 1.2093251e-04 4.10e-08 4.73e-07 0.0 0.00e+00 - 0.00e+00 0.00e+00 0 ************************************************** *** Beginning Iteration 0 from the following point: ************************************************** Current barrier parameter mu = 1.0000000000000000e+00 Current fraction-to-the-boundary parameter tau = 0.0000000000000000e+00 ||curr_x||_inf = 4.0717112627832609e-03 ||curr_s||_inf = 0.0000000000000000e+00 ||curr_y_c||_inf = 2.7873135111983267e-02 ||curr_y_d||_inf = 0.0000000000000000e+00 ||curr_z_L||_inf = 1.0000000000000000e-03 ||curr_z_U||_inf = 1.0000000000000000e-03 ||curr_v_L||_inf = 0.0000000000000000e+00 ||curr_v_U||_inf = 0.0000000000000000e+00 No search direction has been computed yet. ***Current NLP Values for Iteration 0: (scaled) (unscaled) Objective...............: 1.2093251267404298e-04 1.2093251267404298e-04 Dual infeasibility......: 4.7329021817606350e-07 4.7329021817606350e-07 Constraint violation....: 4.1016874801291364e-08 4.1016874801291364e-08 Complementarity.........: 5.0000367175653893e-01 5.0000367175653893e-01 Overall NLP error.......: 5.0000367175653893e-01 5.0000367175653893e-01 ************************************************** *** Update Barrier Parameter for Iteration 0: ************************************************** Setting mu_max to 2.275000e+02. Staying in free mu mode. The current filter has 1 entries. Solving the Primal Dual System for the affine step Solving system with delta_x=0.000000e+00 delta_s=0.000000e+00 delta_c=0.000000e+00 delta_d=0.000000e+00 In Ma27TSolverInterface::InitializeStructure: Using overestimation factor LiwFact = 2.000000e+00 Return values from MA27AD: IFLAG = 0, IERROR = 0 Size of integer work space recommended by MA27 is 948 Setting integer work space size to 4740 Size of doublespace recommended by MA27 is 1391 Setting double work space size to 6955 Return values from MA27BD: IFLAG = 3, IERROR = 139 Factorization failed with retval = 1 Degeneracy test for hess_degenerate_ = 0 and jac_degenerate_ = 0 test_status_ = 1 Solving system with delta_x=0.000000e+00 delta_s=0.000000e+00 delta_c=1.000000e-08 delta_d=1.000000e-08 Return values from MA27BD: IFLAG = 3, IERROR = 139 Factorization failed with retval = 1 Degeneracy test for hess_degenerate_ = 0 and jac_degenerate_ = 0 test_status_ = 2 Solving system with delta_x=1.000000e-04 delta_s=1.000000e-04 delta_c=0.000000e+00 delta_d=0.000000e+00 Return values from MA27BD: IFLAG = 3, IERROR = 139 Factorization failed with retval = 1 Degeneracy test for hess_degenerate_ = 0 and jac_degenerate_ = 0 test_status_ = 3 Solving system with delta_x=1.000000e-02 delta_s=1.000000e-02 delta_c=1.000000e-08 delta_d=1.000000e-08 Return values from MA27BD: IFLAG = 3, IERROR = 139 Factorization failed with retval = 1 Degeneracy test for hess_degenerate_ = 0 and jac_degenerate_ = 0 test_status_ = 4 Solving system with delta_x=1.000000e+00 delta_s=1.000000e+00 delta_c=1.000000e-08 delta_d=1.000000e-08 Return values from MA27BD: IFLAG = 3, IERROR = 139 Factorization failed with retval = 1 Degeneracy test for hess_degenerate_ = 0 and jac_degenerate_ = 0 test_status_ = 4 Solving system with delta_x=1.000000e+02 delta_s=1.000000e+02 delta_c=1.000000e-08 delta_d=1.000000e-08 Return values from MA27BD: IFLAG = 3, IERROR = 139 Factorization failed with retval = 1 Degeneracy test for hess_degenerate_ = 0 and jac_degenerate_ = 0 test_status_ = 4 Solving system with delta_x=1.000000e+04 delta_s=1.000000e+04 delta_c=1.000000e-08 delta_d=1.000000e-08 Return values from MA27BD: IFLAG = 3, IERROR = 139 Factorization failed with retval = 1 Degeneracy test for hess_degenerate_ = 0 and jac_degenerate_ = 0 test_status_ = 4 Solving system with delta_x=1.000000e+06 delta_s=1.000000e+06 delta_c=1.000000e-08 delta_d=1.000000e-08 Return values from MA27BD: IFLAG = 3, IERROR = 139 Factorization failed with retval = 1 Degeneracy test for hess_degenerate_ = 0 and jac_degenerate_ = 0 test_status_ = 4 Solving system with delta_x=1.000000e+08 delta_s=1.000000e+08 delta_c=1.000000e-08 delta_d=1.000000e-08 Return values from MA27BD: IFLAG = 3, IERROR = 139 Factorization failed with retval = 1 Degeneracy test for hess_degenerate_ = 0 and jac_degenerate_ = 0 test_status_ = 4 Solving system with delta_x=1.000000e+10 delta_s=1.000000e+10 delta_c=1.000000e-08 delta_d=1.000000e-08 Return values from MA27BD: IFLAG = 3, IERROR = 139 Factorization failed with retval = 1 Degeneracy test for hess_degenerate_ = 0 and jac_degenerate_ = 0 test_status_ = 4 Solving system with delta_x=1.000000e+12 delta_s=1.000000e+12 delta_c=1.000000e-08 delta_d=1.000000e-08 Return values from MA27BD: IFLAG = 3, IERROR = 139 Factorization failed with retval = 1 Degeneracy test for hess_degenerate_ = 0 and jac_degenerate_ = 0 test_status_ = 4 Solving system with delta_x=1.000000e+14 delta_s=1.000000e+14 delta_c=1.000000e-08 delta_d=1.000000e-08 Return values from MA27BD: IFLAG = 3, IERROR = 139 Factorization failed with retval = 1 Degeneracy test for hess_degenerate_ = 0 and jac_degenerate_ = 0 test_status_ = 4 Solving system with delta_x=1.000000e+16 delta_s=1.000000e+16 delta_c=1.000000e-08 delta_d=1.000000e-08 Return values from MA27BD: IFLAG = 3, IERROR = 139 Factorization failed with retval = 1 Degeneracy test for hess_degenerate_ = 0 and jac_degenerate_ = 0 test_status_ = 4 Solving system with delta_x=1.000000e+18 delta_s=1.000000e+18 delta_c=1.000000e-08 delta_d=1.000000e-08 Return values from MA27BD: IFLAG = 3, IERROR = 139 Factorization failed with retval = 1 Degeneracy test for hess_degenerate_ = 0 and jac_degenerate_ = 0 test_status_ = 4 Solving system with delta_x=1.000000e+20 delta_s=1.000000e+20 delta_c=1.000000e-08 delta_d=1.000000e-08 Return values from MA27BD: IFLAG = 3, IERROR = 139 Factorization failed with retval = 1 Degeneracy test for hess_degenerate_ = 0 and jac_degenerate_ = 0 test_status_ = 4 delta_x perturbation is becoming too large: 1.000000e+22 PerturbForSingularity can't be done The linear system could not be solved for the affine step! The mu oracle could not compute a new value of the barrier parameter. Barrier parameter could not be updated! Fallback option activated in BacktrackingLineSearch! WARNING: Problem in step computation; switching to emergency mode. ************************************************** *** Finding Acceptable Trial Point for Iteration 0: ************************************************** --> Starting line search in iteration 0 <-- Mu has changed in line search - resetting watchdog counters. Starting Restoration Phase for the 1. time Initial barrier parameter resto_mu = 1.000000e+00 orig_curr_theta = 9.19e-08, orig_trial_theta = 9.19e-08 orig_curr_inf_pr = 4.10e-08, orig_trial_inf_pr = 4.10e-08 This is the first iteration - continue to take at least one step. ************************************************** *** Update HessianMatrix for Iteration 1: ************************************************** ************************************************** *** Summary of Iteration 1 for original NLP: ************************************************** iter objective inf_pr inf_du lg(mu) ||d|| lg(rg) alpha_du alpha_pr ls 1r 1.2093251e-04 4.10e-08 2.05e-02 0.0 0.00e+00 20.0 0.00e+00 0.00e+00R 1 ************************************************** *** Beginning Iteration 1 from the following point: ************************************************** Primal infeasibility for restoration phase problem = 0.0000000000000000e+00 Dual infeasibility for restoration phase problem = 2.0508437392095402e-02 ||curr_x||_inf = 4.0717112627832609e-03 ||curr_s||_inf = 0.0000000000000000e+00 ||curr_y_c||_inf = 0.0000000000000000e+00 ||curr_y_d||_inf = 0.0000000000000000e+00 ||curr_z_L||_inf = 1.0000205084373921e+03 ||curr_z_U||_inf = 1.0000000000000000e-03 ||curr_v_L||_inf = 0.0000000000000000e+00 ||curr_v_U||_inf = 0.0000000000000000e+00 No search direction has been computed yet. ***Current NLP Values for Iteration (Restoration phase problem) 1: (scaled) (unscaled) Objective...............: 1.2000000000155154e+02 1.2000000000155154e+02 Dual infeasibility......: 2.0508437392095402e-02 2.0508437392095402e-02 Constraint violation....: 0.0000000000000000e+00 0.0000000000000000e+00 Complementarity.........: 1.0000000000000000e+00 1.0000000000000000e+00 Overall NLP error.......: 2.3333302222263702e-01 1.0000000000000000e+00 ************************************************** *** Update Barrier Parameter for Iteration 1: ************************************************** Setting mu_max to 5.585714e+02. Staying in free mu mode. The current filter has 1 entries. Solving the Primal Dual System for the affine step Solving system with delta_x=0.000000e+00 delta_s=0.000000e+00 delta_c=0.000000e+00 delta_d=0.000000e+00 Return values from MA27BD: IFLAG = 0, IERROR = 0 Number of doubles for MA27 to hold factorization (INFO(9)) = 773 Number of integers for MA27 to hold factorization (INFO(10)) = 588 Factorization successful. Number of trial factorizations performed: 1 Perturbation parameters: delta_x=0.000000e+00 delta_s=0.000000e+00 delta_c=0.000000e+00 delta_d=0.000000e+00 max-norm resid_x 2.804900e-13 max-norm resid_s 0.000000e+00 max-norm resid_c 4.336809e-19 max-norm resid_d 0.000000e+00 max-norm resid_zL 2.775558e-17 max-norm resid_zU 5.551115e-17 max-norm resid_vL 0.000000e+00 max-norm resid_vU 0.000000e+00 Solving the Primal Dual System for the centering step Factorization successful. max-norm resid_x 2.476798e-13 max-norm resid_s 0.000000e+00 max-norm resid_c 2.168404e-19 max-norm resid_d 0.000000e+00 max-norm resid_zL 0.000000e+00 max-norm resid_zU 0.000000e+00 max-norm resid_vL 0.000000e+00 max-norm resid_vU 0.000000e+00 sigma = 1.00e+00 d_inf = 0.000000000000e+00 p_inf = 0.000000000000e+00 cmpl = 3.120020410803e-01 q = 3.120020410803e-01 a_pri = 1.00e+00 a_dual = 1.00e+00 xi = 0.00e+00 sigma = 9.90e-01 d_inf = 0.000000000000e+00 p_inf = 0.000000000000e+00 cmpl = 3.057932004480e-01 q = 3.057932004480e-01 a_pri = 1.00e+00 a_dual = 1.00e+00 xi = 0.00e+00 sigma = 3.78e-01 d_inf = 0.000000000000e+00 p_inf = 0.000000000000e+00 cmpl = 4.461477238371e-02 q = 4.461477238371e-02 a_pri = 1.00e+00 a_dual = 1.00e+00 xi = 0.00e+00 sigma = 6.12e-01 d_inf = 0.000000000000e+00 p_inf = 0.000000000000e+00 cmpl = 1.168027546645e-01 q = 1.168027546645e-01 a_pri = 1.00e+00 a_dual = 1.00e+00 xi = 0.00e+00 sigma = 2.34e-01 d_inf = 0.000000000000e+00 p_inf = 0.000000000000e+00 cmpl = 1.704138234410e-02 q = 1.704138234410e-02 a_pri = 1.00e+00 a_dual = 1.00e+00 xi = 0.00e+00 sigma = 1.44e-01 d_inf = 0.000000000000e+00 p_inf = 0.000000000000e+00 cmpl = 6.509263266752e-03 q = 6.509263266752e-03 a_pri = 1.00e+00 a_dual = 1.00e+00 xi = 0.00e+00 sigma = 8.93e-02 d_inf = 0.000000000000e+00 p_inf = 0.000000000000e+00 cmpl = 2.486338605422e-03 q = 2.486338605422e-03 a_pri = 1.00e+00 a_dual = 1.00e+00 xi = 0.00e+00 sigma = 5.52e-02 d_inf = 0.000000000000e+00 p_inf = 0.000000000000e+00 cmpl = 9.497099926593e-04 q = 9.497099926593e-04 a_pri = 1.00e+00 a_dual = 1.00e+00 xi = 0.00e+00 sigma = 3.41e-02 d_inf = 0.000000000000e+00 p_inf = 0.000000000000e+00 cmpl = 3.627650681385e-04 q = 3.627650681385e-04 a_pri = 1.00e+00 a_dual = 1.00e+00 xi = 0.00e+00 sigma = 2.11e-02 d_inf = 0.000000000000e+00 p_inf = 0.000000000000e+00 cmpl = 1.385689523557e-04 q = 1.385689523557e-04 a_pri = 1.00e+00 a_dual = 1.00e+00 xi = 0.00e+00 sigma = 1.30e-02 d_inf = 0.000000000000e+00 p_inf = 0.000000000000e+00 cmpl = 7.327933550877e-05 q = 7.327933550877e-05 a_pri = 9.97e-01 a_dual = 1.00e+00 xi = 0.00e+00 sigma = 8.05e-03 d_inf = 8.005444404406e-12 p_inf = 0.000000000000e+00 cmpl = 5.579547057632e-05 q = 5.579547858177e-05 a_pri = 9.94e-01 a_dual = 9.99e-01 xi = 0.00e+00 sigma = 1.00e-06 d_inf = 7.755683695166e-10 p_inf = 0.000000000000e+00 cmpl = 4.749037623852e-05 q = 4.749115180689e-05 a_pri = 9.90e-01 a_dual = 9.90e-01 xi = 0.00e+00 Sigma = 1.000000e-06 Barrier parameter mu computed by oracle is 5.585714e-07 Barrier parameter mu after safeguards is 5.585714e-07 Barrier Parameter: 5.585714e-07 ************************************************** *** Solving the Primal Dual System for Iteration 1: ************************************************** max-norm resid_x 2.804899e-13 max-norm resid_s 0.000000e+00 max-norm resid_c 4.336809e-19 max-norm resid_d 0.000000e+00 max-norm resid_zL 2.077975e-16 max-norm resid_zU 1.110223e-16 max-norm resid_vL 0.000000e+00 max-norm resid_vU 0.000000e+00 nrm_rhs = 1.00e+00 nrm_sol = 2.05e-02 nrm_resid = 2.80e-13 residual_ratio = 2.748533e-13 Factorization successful. max-norm resid_x 2.168404e-19 max-norm resid_s 0.000000e+00 max-norm resid_c 2.168404e-19 max-norm resid_d 0.000000e+00 max-norm resid_zL 1.066045e-16 max-norm resid_zU 5.551115e-17 max-norm resid_vL 0.000000e+00 max-norm resid_vU 0.000000e+00 nrm_rhs = 1.00e+00 nrm_sol = 2.05e-02 nrm_resid = 1.07e-16 residual_ratio = 1.044622e-16 ************************************************** *** Finding Acceptable Trial Point for Iteration 1: ************************************************** --> Starting line search in iteration 1 <-- Mu has changed in line search - resetting watchdog counters. The current filter has 0 entries. Relative step size for delta_x = 9.990414e-04 minimal step size ALPHA_MIN = 0.000000E+00 Starting checks for alpha (primal) = 9.90e-01 trial_max is initialized to 1.000000e+08 trial_min is initialized to 1.000000e-04 Checking acceptability for trial step size alpha_primal_test= 9.899802e-01: New values of barrier function = 1.2027428066720942e+00 (reference 1.1999999787204958e+02): New values of constraint violation = 5.4498099826341684e-18 (reference 0.0000000000000000e+00): reference_theta = 0.000000e+00 reference_gradBarrTDelta = -1.199999e+02 Checking Armijo Condition... Succeeded... Checking filter acceptability... Succeeded... reference_theta = 0.000000e+00 reference_gradBarrTDelta = -1.199999e+02 orig_curr_theta = 9.19e-08, orig_trial_theta = 9.01e-08 orig_curr_inf_pr = 4.10e-08, orig_trial_inf_pr = 4.02e-08 Point does not provide sufficient reduction w.r.t the original constraint violation (orig_inf_pr_max=3.691519e-08). ************************************************** *** Update HessianMatrix for Iteration 2: ************************************************** ************************************************** *** Summary of Iteration 2 for original NLP: ************************************************** iter objective inf_pr inf_du lg(mu) ||d|| lg(rg) alpha_du alpha_pr ls 2r 1.2093251e-04 4.02e-08 2.05e-04 -6.3 1.00e-03 - 9.90e-01 9.90e-01f 1 sigma=1.00e-06 qf=13 ************************************************** *** Beginning Iteration 2 from the following point: ************************************************** Primal infeasibility for restoration phase problem = 4.3368086899420177e-19 Dual infeasibility for restoration phase problem = 2.0506170108092192e-04 ||curr_x||_inf = 4.0717112626073321e-03 ||curr_s||_inf = 0.0000000000000000e+00 ||curr_y_c||_inf = 7.1743064597792407e-08 ||curr_y_d||_inf = 0.0000000000000000e+00 ||curr_z_L||_inf = 1.0000002051160643e+03 ||curr_z_U||_inf = 1.0004424224517800e-05 ||curr_v_L||_inf = 0.0000000000000000e+00 ||curr_v_U||_inf = 0.0000000000000000e+00 ||delta_x||_inf = 1.0000404594988110e-03 ||delta_s||_inf = 0.0000000000000000e+00 ||delta_y_c||_inf = 7.2469187766213102e-08 ||delta_y_d||_inf = 0.0000000000000000e+00 ||delta_z_L||_inf = 2.0508382484120721e-02 ||delta_z_U||_inf = 9.9999888296697773e-04 ||delta_v_L||_inf = 0.0000000000000000e+00 ||delta_v_U||_inf = 0.0000000000000000e+00 ***Current NLP Values for Iteration (Restoration phase problem) 2: (scaled) (unscaled) Objective...............: 1.2024363941431497e+00 1.2024363941431497e+00 Dual infeasibility......: 2.0506170108092192e-04 2.0506170108092192e-04 Constraint violation....: 4.3368086899420177e-19 4.3368086899420177e-19 Complementarity.........: 1.0040401933764998e-02 1.0040401933764998e-02 Overall NLP error.......: 2.3427604199672022e-03 1.0040401933764998e-02 ************************************************** *** Update Barrier Parameter for Iteration 2: ************************************************** Staying in free mu mode. The current filter has 2 entries. Solving the Primal Dual System for the affine step Solving system with delta_x=0.000000e+00 delta_s=0.000000e+00 delta_c=0.000000e+00 delta_d=0.000000e+00 Return values from MA27BD: IFLAG = 0, IERROR = 0 Number of doubles for MA27 to hold factorization (INFO(9)) = 773 Number of integers for MA27 to hold factorization (INFO(10)) = 588 Factorization successful. Number of trial factorizations performed: 1 Perturbation parameters: delta_x=0.000000e+00 delta_s=0.000000e+00 delta_c=0.000000e+00 delta_d=0.000000e+00 max-norm resid_x 0.000000e+00 max-norm resid_s 0.000000e+00 max-norm resid_c nan max-norm resid_d 0.000000e+00 max-norm resid_zL 0.000000e+00 max-norm resid_zU nan max-norm resid_vL 0.000000e+00 max-norm resid_vU 0.000000e+00 Solving the Primal Dual System for the centering step Factorization successful. max-norm resid_x 0.000000e+00 max-norm resid_s 0.000000e+00 max-norm resid_c nan max-norm resid_d 0.000000e+00 max-norm resid_zL 0.000000e+00 max-norm resid_zU nan max-norm resid_vL 0.000000e+00 max-norm resid_vU 0.000000e+00 sigma = 1.00e+00 d_inf = 0.000000000000e+00 p_inf = 0.000000000000e+00 cmpl = nan q = nan a_pri = 1.00e+00 a_dual = 1.00e+00 xi = 0.00e+00 sigma = 9.90e-01 d_inf = 0.000000000000e+00 p_inf = 0.000000000000e+00 cmpl = nan q = nan a_pri = 1.00e+00 a_dual = 1.00e+00 xi = 0.00e+00 sigma = 3.78e-01 d_inf = 0.000000000000e+00 p_inf = 0.000000000000e+00 cmpl = nan q = nan a_pri = 1.00e+00 a_dual = 1.00e+00 xi = 0.00e+00 sigma = 6.12e-01 d_inf = 0.000000000000e+00 p_inf = 0.000000000000e+00 cmpl = nan q = nan a_pri = 1.00e+00 a_dual = 1.00e+00 xi = 0.00e+00 Sigma = 6.118540e-01 Barrier parameter mu computed by oracle is 3.423071e-03 Barrier parameter mu after safeguards is 3.423071e-03 Barrier Parameter: 3.423071e-03 ************************************************** *** Solving the Primal Dual System for Iteration 2: ************************************************** max-norm resid_x 0.000000e+00 max-norm resid_s 0.000000e+00 max-norm resid_c nan max-norm resid_d 0.000000e+00 max-norm resid_zL 0.000000e+00 max-norm resid_zU nan max-norm resid_vL 0.000000e+00 max-norm resid_vU 0.000000e+00 nrm_rhs = 6.62e-03 nrm_sol = 0.00e+00 nrm_resid = 0.00e+00 residual_ratio = 0.000000e+00 Factorization successful. max-norm resid_x 0.000000e+00 max-norm resid_s 0.000000e+00 max-norm resid_c nan max-norm resid_d 0.000000e+00 max-norm resid_zL 0.000000e+00 max-norm resid_zU nan max-norm resid_vL 0.000000e+00 max-norm resid_vU 0.000000e+00 nrm_rhs = 6.62e-03 nrm_sol = 0.00e+00 nrm_resid = 0.00e+00 residual_ratio = 0.000000e+00 ************************************************** *** Finding Acceptable Trial Point for Iteration 2: ************************************************** --> Starting line search in iteration 2 <-- Mu has changed in line search - resetting watchdog counters. The current filter has 0 entries. Relative step size for delta_x = 0.000000e+00 Relative step size for delta_s = 0.000000e+00 Tiny step of relative size 0.000000e+00 detected. Tiny step detected. Use step size alpha = 1.000000e+00 unchecked Exception of type: Eval_Error in file "../../../../CoinIpopt/Ipopt/src/Algorithm/IpOrigIpoptNLP.cpp" at line 497: Exception message: success && IsFiniteNumber(ret) evaluated false: Error evaluating the objective function minimal step size ALPHA_MIN = 5.000000E-07 Starting checks for alpha (primal) = 1.00e+00 Exception of type: Eval_Error in file "../../../../CoinIpopt/Ipopt/src/Algorithm/IpOrigIpoptNLP.cpp" at line 562: Exception message: success && IsFiniteNumber(unscaled_c->Nrm2()) evaluated false: Error evaluating the equality constraints Warning: Cutting back alpha due to evaluation error Starting checks for alpha (primal) = 5.00e-01 Exception of type: Eval_Error in file "../../../../CoinIpopt/Ipopt/src/Algorithm/IpOrigIpoptNLP.cpp" at line 562: Exception message: success && IsFiniteNumber(unscaled_c->Nrm2()) evaluated false: Error evaluating the equality constraints Warning: Cutting back alpha due to evaluation error Starting checks for alpha (primal) = 2.50e-01 Exception of type: Eval_Error in file "../../../../CoinIpopt/Ipopt/src/Algorithm/IpOrigIpoptNLP.cpp" at line 562: Exception message: success && IsFiniteNumber(unscaled_c->Nrm2()) evaluated false: Error evaluating the equality constraints Warning: Cutting back alpha due to evaluation error Starting checks for alpha (primal) = 1.25e-01 Exception of type: Eval_Error in file "../../../../CoinIpopt/Ipopt/src/Algorithm/IpOrigIpoptNLP.cpp" at line 562: Exception message: success && IsFiniteNumber(unscaled_c->Nrm2()) evaluated false: Error evaluating the equality constraints Warning: Cutting back alpha due to evaluation error Starting checks for alpha (primal) = 6.25e-02 Exception of type: Eval_Error in file "../../../../CoinIpopt/Ipopt/src/Algorithm/IpOrigIpoptNLP.cpp" at line 562: Exception message: success && IsFiniteNumber(unscaled_c->Nrm2()) evaluated false: Error evaluating the equality constraints Warning: Cutting back alpha due to evaluation error Starting checks for alpha (primal) = 3.12e-02 Exception of type: Eval_Error in file "../../../../CoinIpopt/Ipopt/src/Algorithm/IpOrigIpoptNLP.cpp" at line 562: Exception message: success && IsFiniteNumber(unscaled_c->Nrm2()) evaluated false: Error evaluating the equality constraints Warning: Cutting back alpha due to evaluation error Starting checks for alpha (primal) = 1.56e-02 Exception of type: Eval_Error in file "../../../../CoinIpopt/Ipopt/src/Algorithm/IpOrigIpoptNLP.cpp" at line 562: Exception message: success && IsFiniteNumber(unscaled_c->Nrm2()) evaluated false: Error evaluating the equality constraints Warning: Cutting back alpha due to evaluation error Starting checks for alpha (primal) = 7.81e-03 Exception of type: Eval_Error in file "../../../../CoinIpopt/Ipopt/src/Algorithm/IpOrigIpoptNLP.cpp" at line 562: Exception message: success && IsFiniteNumber(unscaled_c->Nrm2()) evaluated false: Error evaluating the equality constraints Warning: Cutting back alpha due to evaluation error Starting checks for alpha (primal) = 3.91e-03 Exception of type: Eval_Error in file "../../../../CoinIpopt/Ipopt/src/Algorithm/IpOrigIpoptNLP.cpp" at line 562: Exception message: success && IsFiniteNumber(unscaled_c->Nrm2()) evaluated false: Error evaluating the equality constraints Warning: Cutting back alpha due to evaluation error Starting checks for alpha (primal) = 1.95e-03 Exception of type: Eval_Error in file "../../../../CoinIpopt/Ipopt/src/Algorithm/IpOrigIpoptNLP.cpp" at line 562: Exception message: success && IsFiniteNumber(unscaled_c->Nrm2()) evaluated false: Error evaluating the equality constraints Warning: Cutting back alpha due to evaluation error Starting checks for alpha (primal) = 9.77e-04 Exception of type: Eval_Error in file "../../../../CoinIpopt/Ipopt/src/Algorithm/IpOrigIpoptNLP.cpp" at line 562: Exception message: success && IsFiniteNumber(unscaled_c->Nrm2()) evaluated false: Error evaluating the equality constraints Warning: Cutting back alpha due to evaluation error Starting checks for alpha (primal) = 4.88e-04 Exception of type: Eval_Error in file "../../../../CoinIpopt/Ipopt/src/Algorithm/IpOrigIpoptNLP.cpp" at line 562: Exception message: success && IsFiniteNumber(unscaled_c->Nrm2()) evaluated false: Error evaluating the equality constraints Warning: Cutting back alpha due to evaluation error Starting checks for alpha (primal) = 2.44e-04 Exception of type: Eval_Error in file "../../../../CoinIpopt/Ipopt/src/Algorithm/IpOrigIpoptNLP.cpp" at line 562: Exception message: success && IsFiniteNumber(unscaled_c->Nrm2()) evaluated false: Error evaluating the equality constraints Warning: Cutting back alpha due to evaluation error Starting checks for alpha (primal) = 1.22e-04 Exception of type: Eval_Error in file "../../../../CoinIpopt/Ipopt/src/Algorithm/IpOrigIpoptNLP.cpp" at line 562: Exception message: success && IsFiniteNumber(unscaled_c->Nrm2()) evaluated false: Error evaluating the equality constraints Warning: Cutting back alpha due to evaluation error Starting checks for alpha (primal) = 6.10e-05 Exception of type: Eval_Error in file "../../../../CoinIpopt/Ipopt/src/Algorithm/IpOrigIpoptNLP.cpp" at line 562: Exception message: success && IsFiniteNumber(unscaled_c->Nrm2()) evaluated false: Error evaluating the equality constraints Warning: Cutting back alpha due to evaluation error Starting checks for alpha (primal) = 3.05e-05 Exception of type: Eval_Error in file "../../../../CoinIpopt/Ipopt/src/Algorithm/IpOrigIpoptNLP.cpp" at line 562: Exception message: success && IsFiniteNumber(unscaled_c->Nrm2()) evaluated false: Error evaluating the equality constraints Warning: Cutting back alpha due to evaluation error Starting checks for alpha (primal) = 1.53e-05 Exception of type: Eval_Error in file "../../../../CoinIpopt/Ipopt/src/Algorithm/IpOrigIpoptNLP.cpp" at line 562: Exception message: success && IsFiniteNumber(unscaled_c->Nrm2()) evaluated false: Error evaluating the equality constraints Warning: Cutting back alpha due to evaluation error Starting checks for alpha (primal) = 7.63e-06 Exception of type: Eval_Error in file "../../../../CoinIpopt/Ipopt/src/Algorithm/IpOrigIpoptNLP.cpp" at line 562: Exception message: success && IsFiniteNumber(unscaled_c->Nrm2()) evaluated false: Error evaluating the equality constraints Warning: Cutting back alpha due to evaluation error Starting checks for alpha (primal) = 3.81e-06 Exception of type: Eval_Error in file "../../../../CoinIpopt/Ipopt/src/Algorithm/IpOrigIpoptNLP.cpp" at line 562: Exception message: success && IsFiniteNumber(unscaled_c->Nrm2()) evaluated false: Error evaluating the equality constraints Warning: Cutting back alpha due to evaluation error Starting checks for alpha (primal) = 1.91e-06 Exception of type: Eval_Error in file "../../../../CoinIpopt/Ipopt/src/Algorithm/IpOrigIpoptNLP.cpp" at line 562: Exception message: success && IsFiniteNumber(unscaled_c->Nrm2()) evaluated false: Error evaluating the equality constraints Warning: Cutting back alpha due to evaluation error Starting checks for alpha (primal) = 9.54e-07 Exception of type: Eval_Error in file "../../../../CoinIpopt/Ipopt/src/Algorithm/IpOrigIpoptNLP.cpp" at line 562: Exception message: success && IsFiniteNumber(unscaled_c->Nrm2()) evaluated false: Error evaluating the equality constraints Warning: Cutting back alpha due to evaluation error --> Starting soft restoration phase <-- Trying soft restoration phase step with step length 1.000000e+00 Exception of type: Eval_Error in file "../../../../CoinIpopt/Ipopt/src/Algorithm/IpOrigIpoptNLP.cpp" at line 497: Exception message: success && IsFiniteNumber(ret) evaluated false: Error evaluating the objective function Warning: Evaluation error during soft restoration phase step. Exception of type: Eval_Error in file "../../../../CoinIpopt/Ipopt/src/Algorithm/IpOrigIpoptNLP.cpp" at line 497: Exception message: success && IsFiniteNumber(ret) evaluated false: Error evaluating the objective function Warning: Evaluation error during soft restoration phase step. Exception of type: Eval_Error in file "../../../../CoinIpopt/Ipopt/src/Algorithm/IpOrigIpoptNLP.cpp" at line 497: Exception message: success && IsFiniteNumber(ret) evaluated false: Error evaluating the objective function Warning: Evaluation error during soft restoration phase step. Restoration phase is called at point that is almost feasible, with constraint violation 5.449810e-18. Abort. Exception of type: RESTORATION_FAILED in file "../../../../CoinIpopt/Ipopt/src/Algorithm/IpBacktrackingLineSearch.cpp" at line 556: Exception message: Restoration phase called, but point is almost feasible. Restoration phase in the restoration phase failed. Exception of type: RESTORATION_FAILED in file "../../../../CoinIpopt/Ipopt/src/Algorithm/IpRestoMinC_1Nrm.cpp" at line 237: Exception message: Restoration phase in the restoration phase failed. Number of Iterations....: 2 (scaled) (unscaled) Objective...............: 1.2093251276108804e-04 1.2093251276108804e-04 Dual infeasibility......: 7.9213763454834222e-03 7.9213763454834222e-03 Constraint violation....: 4.0194785737788631e-08 4.0194785737788631e-08 Complementarity.........: 5.0000367678744873e-03 5.0000367678744873e-03 Overall NLP error.......: 7.9213763454834222e-03 7.9213763454834222e-03 Number of objective function evaluations = 7 Number of objective gradient evaluations = 2 Number of equality constraint evaluations = 24 Number of inequality constraint evaluations = 0 Number of equality constraint Jacobian evaluations = 3 Number of inequality constraint Jacobian evaluations = 0 Number of Lagrangian Hessian evaluations = 3 Total CPU secs in IPOPT (w/o function evaluations) = 0.204 Total CPU secs in NLP function evaluations = 0.004 EXIT: Restoration Failed! 2009-09-08 16:56:50 > EXIT: Restoration Failed! : t = 016.000, dt = 00.173903, nit = 0002, phi(xi) = 000.000, kkt_error = 000.008, xi = [ 000.003 ; 000.001 ; 000.001 ; 000.000 ; ... ]