Hello,<br><br>I'm using the last version of IPOPT (with default options) to solve the problems of the CUTEr collection. <br><br>According to the manual, "EXIT: Optimal Solution Found indicates that Ipopt found a (locally) optimal point within the desired tolerances".<br>
<br>Also, "the algorithm terminates successfully, if the (scaled) NLP error becomes smaller than this value, and if the (absolute) criteria according to dual_inf_tol, primal_inf_tol, and cmpl_inf_tol are met. (This is epsilon_tol in Eqn. (6) in implementation paper). its default value is 10^{-08}".<br>
<br>Since this (scaled) NLP error implies that the max norm of the constraints is less or equal to epsilon_tol (wich, in this case, is 10^{-08}), I would like to know why IPOPT declares it solved problems HATFLDF, EIGMAXA and EIGMINA successfully when the max norm of the constraints is greater than 10^{-08}.<br>
<br>Thank you,<br>Marina Andretta<br>