<DIV>Dear IPOPT users</DIV>
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<DIV> I would like to share my java interface originate form c++ version of IPOPT . My codes were changed from Rafael de Pelegrini Soares's original code. </DIV>
<DIV> Rafael de Pelegrini Soares's codes are originally derived form C version of IPOPT,which has limited functions. I derived my codes from C++ version of IPOPT, which is much more powerful than C or Fortran version.</DIV>
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<DIV> I also fix a bug in Rafael de Pelegrini Soares's code on function setProblemScaling, In his original code thefunction setProblemScaling has no use.<BR> I added some useful functions in JIpopt, such as get_scaling_parameters or get_number_of_nonlinear_variables or get_list_of_nonlinear_variables. You can add any more functions as you like. Follow my structure it is very easy now.</DIV>
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<DIV> On my platform Windows XP,I use Visual Studio.net 2005, JDK 1.6.0, I test HS071 and LukVlE1 LukVlI1 with size 20000. I test three jni dll. one is from Rafael de Pelegrini Soares, he said he use mumps, I call it jipopt_c_mumps, one is generate using Rafael de Pelegrini Soares 's c version jipopt with ma27,I call it jipopt_c_ma27 , and my own c++ version jni, I call it jipopt_c++. Running times below:</DIV>
<DIV> </DIV>
<DIV>problem C++_use_ma27 jipopt_c_mumps jipopt_c_ma27 jipopt_c++ </DIV>
<DIV>HS071 0.015/0.000 0.015/0.016 0.015/0.016 0.015/0.016</DIV>
<DIV>LukVlE1 0.375/0.172 2.171/0.579 0.438/0.687 0.452/0.611</DIV>
<DIV>LukVlI1 2.310/0.549 10.251/1.968 2.260/2.388 2.265/2.095</DIV>
<DIV> </DIV>
<DIV> As you can see, the C++ version of JIpopt is the same with C version of JIpopt, By the way, the results are same. The MUMPS version is much slower than MA27. Original C++ version is faster than jni version, but their computational afford are in the same order.</DIV>
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<DIV> When I test jipopt_c version's setScalingParameter, I use HS071 and it's obj_scaling=-1, it get the minimum obj not the maximum, which is 17.014..., but I test C++ version and jipopt_c++ version of HS071 get_scaling_parameter with obj_scaling=-1, I get the maximum obj_val, which is 134.7338.... So I can say, Rafael de Pelegrini Soares's codes have errors in setScalingParameter. Be aware of that!</DIV>
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<DIV> If you have problem or you need me to add another functions, please contact me.</DIV>
<DIV> My codes are attached with this e-mail, Can Andreas give me a place to share them. Thank you!</DIV>
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<DIV>Tong Kewei</DIV>
<DIV>Ph.D. Candidate</DIV>
<DIV>School of Astronautics</DIV>
<DIV>Beihang University</DIV>
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