[Ipopt-tickets] [Ipopt] #162: unsave SmartPtr copy semantics, meaningless comparisons, missing conversions

Ipopt coin-trac at coin-or.org
Wed Jun 22 14:32:43 EDT 2011

#162: unsave SmartPtr copy semantics, meaningless comparisons, missing
Reporter:  guest     |       Owner:  ipopt-team
    Type:  defect    |      Status:  new       
Priority:  normal    |   Component:  Ipopt     
 Version:  3.9       |    Severity:  normal    
Keywords:  SmartPtr  |  

 there seem to exist several issues with the implementation of SmartPtr
 that make it unsafe to use in certain contexts.
 I have not actually experienced any bug myself, this is solely derived
 from studying the source code, triggered by this post:
 http://www.c-plusplus.de/forum/288762 (in german).
 1. SmartPtr does not handle self assignment properly if it is the sole
 referent to an object.

 struct foo : ReferencedObject { ... };

 SmartPtr<foo> p = new foo;
 p = p; // (1)
 p = GetRawPointer( p ); // (2)

 Both (1) and (2) will cause p to be a null pointer afterwards. This is
 because in SmartPtr<T>::SetFromSmartPtr_ the old pointer is released
 before the reference count for the right hand side is incremented.
 This makes SmartPtr incompatible with standard containers and mutating
 standard algorithms.
 The fix would be straight forward by changing the order:

   template <class T>
   SmartPtr<T>& SmartPtr<T>::SetFromRawPtr_(T* rhs)
       "SmartPtr<T>& SmartPtr<T>::SetFromRawPtr_(T* rhs)",

     if (rhs != 0)

     // Release any old pointer

     ptr_ = rhs;

     return *this;
 SmartPtr<T>::ReleasePointer_ must be patched to not modify ptr_ - since
 the only other function that calles it is the destructor, this is not a
   template <class T>
   void SmartPtr<T>::ReleasePointer_()
       "void SmartPtr<T>::ReleasePointer()",

     if (ptr_) {
       if (ptr_->ReferenceCount() == 0) {
         delete ptr_;
 An explicit test for self assignment could be used but is not the best
 choice since it only conceals the logic error and it might mean an
 unnecessary performance hit since self assignment ist quite rare but the
 test would have to be done during each assignment.
 2. The comparison done in
 template <class U1, class U2>
 bool ComparePointers(const U1* lhs, const U2* rhs)
 either does not work as intended or is meaningless if different types are
 involved, this affects the overloaded operators == and !=

 consider the current code in trunk:
 561       template <class U1, class U2>
 562       bool ComparePointers(const U1* lhs, const U2* rhs)
 563       {
 564     #ifdef IP_DEBUG_SMARTPTR
 565         DBG_START_FUN(
 566           "bool ComparePtrs(const U1* lhs, const U2* rhs)",
 567           dbg_smartptr_verbosity);
 568     #endif
 570         if (lhs == rhs) {
 571           return true;
 572         }
 574         // Even if lhs and rhs point to the same object
 575         // with different interfaces U1 and U2, we cannot guarantee
 576         // the value of the pointers will be equivalent. We can
 577         // guarantee this if we convert to void*
 578         const void* v_lhs = static_cast<const void*>(lhs);
 579         const void* v_rhs = static_cast<const void*>(rhs);
 580         if (v_lhs == v_rhs) {
 581           return true;
 582         }
 584         // They must not be the same
 585         return false;
 586       }
 line 570 requires the template arguments to be compatible, that is one of
 them must be convertible to the other. Specifically both are of the same
 type (safe for const qualification), one of them is (const) void or one is
 a public and unambigous base class of the other.
 In all these cases the comparision in line 580 is meaningless, since it
 will never yield any result that differs from that in line 570.
 If line 580 is intended to handle the case where there existist multiple
 interfaces to the same object that are not derived from each other (i.e.
 multiple inheritance) it will not work as intended, because the conversion
 to const void* by means of a static_cast will not result in pointers to
 the complete objects. And line 570 would prevent the compiler to
 instantiate the function for such a combination of template parameters in
 the first place.
 A conversion to a pointer that points to the most derived object can be
 done by means of dynamic_cast, thus:
   template <class U1, class U2>
   bool ComparePointers(const U1* lhs, const U2* rhs)
       "bool ComparePtrs(const U1* lhs, const U2* rhs)",

     return dynamic_cast<const void*>(lhs) == dynamic_cast<const
 This requires lhs and rhs to be pointers to polymorphic types which is not
 a problem since pointees must be derived from ReferencedObject.
 Using dynamic_cast always might result in inacceptable performance since
 most comparisions are probably using compatible types, therefore several
 overloads could be used, for example:
 template <typename T>
 struct identity
     typedef T type;
 // the special case if both arguments are of the same type safe for const
 template <typename T>
 bool ComparePointers(const T* lhs, const T* rhs)
     return lhs == rhs;
 // called if the right hand side is convertible to the type of the left
 hand side
 template <typename T>
 bool ComparePointers(const T* lhs, typename identity<const T>::type* rhs)
     return ComparePointers(lhs, rhs);
 // called if the left hand side is convertible to the type of the right
 hand side
 template <typename T>
 bool ComparePointers(typename identity<const T>::type* lhs, const T* rhs)
     return ComparePointers(lhs, rhs);
 // the general case
 template <typename T, typename U>
 bool ComparePointers(T* lhs, U* rhs)
     return dynamic_cast<const void*>(lhs) == dynamic_cast<const

 There is a simpler option by using the fact that all types used to
 instantiate a SmartPtr must be derived from ReferencedObject:
 template <typename T, typename U>
 bool ComparePointers(T* lhs, U* rhs)
     const ReferencedObject* lhs_ = lhs;
     const ReferencedObject* rhs_ = rhs;
     return lhs_ == rhs_;
 No other overloads are needed in this case.
 It should be made explicit in the documentation that only one
 ReferencedObject may exist for every most derived object, so multiple
 inheritance requires virtual inheritance.
 3. SmartPtr is missing implicit conversions to SmartPtr to bases. This is
 inconvenient since it forces user code to either only use SmartPtr to base
 classes and explicit casts, or rely on the intrusive nature of SmartPtr
 (which should be an implementation detail).
   template <class T>
   template <class U>
   SmartPtr<T>::SmartPtr(const SmartPtr<U>& copy)
     (void) SetFromRawPtr_(GetRawPtr(copy));

   template <class T>
   template <class U>
   SmartPtr<T>& SmartPtr<T>::operator=(const SmartPtr<U>& rhs)
     return SetFromRawPtr_(GetRawPtr(copy));
 should be provided.
 explicit conversion functions that model static_cast and dynamic_cast
 might be convenient as there exists already the member function ConstPtr:

   template <class T, class U>
   SmartPtr<T> StaticPtr(const SmartPtr<U>& smart_ptr)
     return static_cast<T*>(GetRawPtr(smart_ptr));
   template <class T, class U>
   SmartPtr<T> DynamicPtr(const SmartPtr<U>& smart_ptr)
     return dynamic_cast<T*>(GetRawPtr(smart_ptr));

 4. It may be convenient to additionally explicitily define swap, and
 overloaded relational operators in order to make SmartPtr usable with
 associative containers like std::set (it probably does not really make
 sense to define ordering for different SmartPtr types, but it could be
 done by relying on the unique ReferencedObject subobject):

 // as member function
   template <class T>
   void SmartPtr<T>::swap(SmartPtr<T>& other)
     using std::swap;
     swap(ptr_, other.ptr_);

 // as free function
   template <class T>
   void swap(SmartPtr<T>& a, SmartPtr<T>& b)

   template <class T>
   bool operator<(const SmartPtr<T>& lhs, const SmartPtr<T>& rhs)
       return std::less<T*>()(lhs.ptr_, rhs.ptr_);
   template <class T> bool operator> (const SmartPtr<T>& lhs, const
 SmartPtr<T>& rhs) { return rhs < lhs; }
   template <class T> bool operator<=(const SmartPtr<T>& lhs, const
 SmartPtr<T>& rhs) { return !( rhs < lhs ); }
   template <class T> bool operator>=(const SmartPtr<T>& lhs, const
 SmartPtr<T>& rhs) { return !( lhs < rhs ); }

Ticket URL: <https://projects.coin-or.org/Ipopt/ticket/162>
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