Microsoft Windows [Version 6.1.7600]
Copyright (c) 2009 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
c:\users\s001287\Documents\project>cd dip*\dip\
Volume in drive C has no label.
Volume Serial Number is 900A-72E9
Directory of c:\Users\s001287\Documents\project\Dip-0.8.7\Dip
10-12-2010 11:33
10-12-2010 11:33 ..
30-11-2010 10:59 39 AUTHORS
10-12-2010 11:32 bugs
30-11-2010 10:59 793.601 configure
30-11-2010 10:59 11.502
10-12-2010 14:37 data
30-11-2010 10:59 9
10-12-2010 11:37 examples
10-12-2010 11:32 inc
30-11-2010 10:59 11.356 LICENSE
30-11-2010 10:59 3.173
30-11-2010 10:59 41.546
10-12-2010 11:32 MSVisualStudio
30-11-2010 10:59 699 README
10-12-2010 11:33 scripts
28-12-2010 22:37 src
10-12-2010 11:33 test
8 File(s) 861.925 bytes
10 Dir(s) 28.945.068.032 bytes free
c:\Users\s001287\Documents\project\Dip-0.8.7\Dip>cd msv*\v9\decompe*
Volume in drive C has no label.
Volume Serial Number is 900A-72E9
Directory of c:\Users\s001287\Documents\project\Dip-0.8.7\Dip\MSVisualStudio\v9\DecompExamples
25-12-2010 16:16 .
25-12-2010 16:16 ..
21-12-2010 16:59 ATM
28-12-2010 23:24 Debug
10-12-2010 13:33 7.441.408 DecompExamples.ncb
10-12-2010 13:32 12.820 DecompExamples.sln
10-12-2010 11:33 GAP
25-12-2010 16:53 libOsiCpx
21-12-2010 16:59 MCF
21-12-2010 16:59 Milp
21-12-2010 16:59 MilpBlock
10-12-2010 11:33 MMKP
10-12-2010 13:25 Release
28-12-2010 23:22 SILCEP
21-12-2010 16:59 SmallIP
10-12-2010 11:33 SSR
29-12-2010 00:43 14.412.800 switching.ncb
27-12-2010 15:25 13.412 switching.sln
10-12-2010 11:33 VRP
4 File(s) 21.880.440 bytes
15 Dir(s) 28.945.068.032 bytes free
c:\Users\s001287\Documents\project\Dip-0.8.7\Dip\MSVisualStudio\v9\DecompExamples>cd debug
Volume in drive C has no label.
Volume Serial Number is 900A-72E9
Directory of c:\Users\s001287\Documents\project\Dip-0.8.7\Dip\MSVisualStudio\v9\DecompExamples\Debug
28-12-2010 23:24 .
28-12-2010 23:24 ..
25-12-2010 15:12 8.954.368 ATM.exe
25-12-2010 15:12 17.703.396 ATM.ilk
25-12-2010 15:12 22.563.840 ATM.pdb
28-12-2010 23:25 338 blockFile.txt
28-12-2010 23:00 5.552.984 libAlps.lib
28-12-2010 23:01 18.265.472 libCbc.lib
28-12-2010 23:00 14.025.874 libCgl.lib
28-12-2010 23:00 19.276.304 libClp.lib
28-12-2010 22:59 18.738.898 libCoinUtils.lib
28-12-2010 23:00 5.554.318 libOsi.lib
28-12-2010 23:00 334.474 libOsiCbc.lib
28-12-2010 23:00 1.733.768 libOsiClp.lib
28-12-2010 23:00 888.872 libOsiCpx.lib
27-12-2010 14:36 19.456 libOsiCpx.pdb
25-12-2010 15:11 8.799.744 MCF.exe
25-12-2010 15:11 17.495.816 MCF.ilk
25-12-2010 15:11 22.645.760 MCF.pdb
27-12-2010 14:27 21.851.136 Milp.pdb
27-12-2010 14:27 22.858.752 MilpBlock.pdb
28-12-2010 23:24 8.811.520 SILCEP.exe
28-12-2010 23:24 17.507.352 SILCEP.ilk
28-12-2010 23:24 22.006.784 SILCEP.pdb
25-12-2010 15:11 6.918.656 SmallIP.exe
25-12-2010 15:11 19.401.728 SmallIP.pdb
24 File(s) 301.909.610 bytes
2 Dir(s) 28.945.068.032 bytes free
c:\Users\s001287\Documents\project\Dip-0.8.7\Dip\MSVisualStudio\v9\DecompExamples\Debug>silcep --param ..\silcep\mcf.parm
Welcome to the DIP Decomposition Framework
Copyright 2002-2010 Lehigh University and others
All Rights Reserved
Distributed under the Eclipse Public License 1.0
Version: 0.8.7
Build Date: Dec 28 2010
MCF: LogLevel : 5
MCF: UseSparse : 0
MCF: DataDir : C:\Users\s001287\Documents\project\Dip-0.8.7\Dip\data\SILCEP
MCF: Instance : silcep3node.dat
MCF-APP : 0.269 [CPU: 0.277 ] <--- createModels() ----------
numCols=61 numTimePeriods=4numNodes=4 numArcs=5
MCF-APP : 0.306 [CPU: 0.314 ] <--- createModelCore() -------
Master only columns:
0 1 2 3 4
0 -> y2(a0<0,1>)
1 -> y2(a1<0,2>)
2 -> y2(a2<1,2>)
3 -> y2(a3<2,3>)
4 -> y2(a4<1,3>)
MCF-APP : 0.404 [CPU: 0.412 ] --- createModelCore() -------> funcT = 0.098
Active cols:
MP2-constraint : 1 <= 1 y2(a0<0,1>) 1 z(t0, a0<0,1>) <= 1e+020
MP2-constraint : 1 <= 1 y2(a0<0,1>) 1 z(t1, a0<0,1>) <= 1e+020
MP2-constraint : 1 <= 1 y2(a0<0,1>) 1 z(t2, a0<0,1>) <= 1e+020
MP2-constraint : 1 <= 1 y2(a0<0,1>) 1 z(t3, a0<0,1>) <= 1e+020
MP2-constraint : 1 <= 1 y2(a1<0,2>) 1 z(t0, a1<0,2>) <= 1e+020
MP2-constraint : 1 <= 1 y2(a1<0,2>) 1 z(t1, a1<0,2>) <= 1e+020
MP2-constraint : 1 <= 1 y2(a1<0,2>) 1 z(t2, a1<0,2>) <= 1e+020
MP2-constraint : 1 <= 1 y2(a1<0,2>) 1 z(t3, a1<0,2>) <= 1e+020
MP2-constraint : 1 <= 1 y2(a2<1,2>) 1 z(t0, a2<1,2>) <= 1e+020
MP2-constraint : 1 <= 1 y2(a2<1,2>) 1 z(t1, a2<1,2>) <= 1e+020
MP2-constraint : 1 <= 1 y2(a2<1,2>) 1 z(t2, a2<1,2>) <= 1e+020
MP2-constraint : 1 <= 1 y2(a2<1,2>) 1 z(t3, a2<1,2>) <= 1e+020
MP2-constraint : 1 <= 1 y2(a3<2,3>) 1 z(t0, a3<2,3>) <= 1e+020
MP2-constraint : 1 <= 1 y2(a3<2,3>) 1 z(t1, a3<2,3>) <= 1e+020
MP2-constraint : 1 <= 1 y2(a3<2,3>) 1 z(t2, a3<2,3>) <= 1e+020
MP2-constraint : 1 <= 1 y2(a3<2,3>) 1 z(t3, a3<2,3>) <= 1e+020
MP2-constraint : 1 <= 1 y2(a4<1,3>) 1 z(t0, a4<1,3>) <= 1e+020
MP2-constraint : 1 <= 1 y2(a4<1,3>) 1 z(t1, a4<1,3>) <= 1e+020
MP2-constraint : 1 <= 1 y2(a4<1,3>) 1 z(t2, a4<1,3>) <= 1e+020
MP2-constraint : 1 <= 1 y2(a4<1,3>) 1 z(t3, a4<1,3>) <= 1e+020
numCols=61 numColsOrig=61 numRows=20
MCF-APP : 0.919 [CPU: 0.927 ] <--- createModelRelax() ------
Generating sub-problem 0
y_index = 0
z_index = 5
x_index = 25
theta_index = 45
MCF-APP : 0.969 [CPU: 0.977 ] --- createModelRelax() ------> funcT = 0.05
numCols=61 numColsOrig=61 numRows=21
MCF-APP : 1.01 [CPU: 1.02 ] <--- createModelRelax() ------
Generating sub-problem 1
y_index = 0
z_index = 5
x_index = 25
theta_index = 45
MCF-APP : 1.06 [CPU: 1.07 ] --- createModelRelax() ------> funcT = 0.051
numCols=61 numColsOrig=61 numRows=21
MCF-APP : 1.11 [CPU: 1.11 ] <--- createModelRelax() ------
Generating sub-problem 2
y_index = 0
z_index = 5
x_index = 25
theta_index = 45
MCF-APP : 1.16 [CPU: 1.164 ] --- createModelRelax() ------> funcT = 0.051
numCols=61 numColsOrig=61 numRows=21
MCF-APP : 1.2 [CPU: 1.21 ] <--- createModelRelax() ------
Generating sub-problem 3
y_index = 0
z_index = 5
x_index = 25
theta_index = 45
MCF-APP : 1.25 [CPU: 1.257 ] --- createModelRelax() ------> funcT = 0.051
numCols=61 numColsOrig=61 numRows=21
Create model part Master-Only.
nCols = 61
nMasterOnlyCols = 5
MCF-APP : 1.31 [CPU: 1.322 ] --- createModels() ----------> funcT = 1.04
MCF-APP : 1.34 [CPU: 1.347 ] --- initializeApp() ---------> funcT = 1.19
Initial Algo Setup (algo = PRICE_AND_CUT)
D-ALGO : 1.4 [CPU: 1.4 ] <--- initSetup() -------------
PRICE_AND_CUT LogDebugLevel 3
PRICE_AND_CUT LogDumpModel 0
PRICE_AND_CUT LimitInitVars 5
PRICE_AND_CUT DebugLevel 0
PRICE_AND_CUT TolZero 1e-006
PRICE_AND_CUT LimitTotalCutIters 2147483647
PRICE_AND_CUT LimitTotalPriceIters 2147483647
PRICE_AND_CUT LimitRoundCutIters 2147483647
PRICE_AND_CUT LimitRoundPriceIters 2147483647
PRICE_AND_CUT LimitTime 1.8e+308
PRICE_AND_CUT TailoffLength 10
PRICE_AND_CUT TailoffPercent 0.1
PRICE_AND_CUT MasterGapLimit 0.01
PRICE_AND_CUT CompressColumns 1
PRICE_AND_CUT CompressColumnsIterFreq 2
PRICE_AND_CUT CompressColumnsSizeMultLimit1.2
PRICE_AND_CUT CutCglClique 1
PRICE_AND_CUT CutCglGomory 0
PRICE_AND_CUT SubProbUseCutoff 0
PRICE_AND_CUT SubProbGapLimitExact 0.0001
PRICE_AND_CUT SubProbGapLimitInexact 0.1
PRICE_AND_CUT SubProbTimeLimitExact 1.8e+308
PRICE_AND_CUT SubProbTimeLimitInexact 1.8e+308
PRICE_AND_CUT SubProbNumThreads 1
PRICE_AND_CUT SubProbNumSolLimit 1
PRICE_AND_CUT SubProbSolverStartAlgo 0
PRICE_AND_CUT RoundRobinInterval 0
PRICE_AND_CUT RoundRobinStrategy 0
PRICE_AND_CUT SolveMasterAsIp 0
PRICE_AND_CUT SolveMasterAsIpFreqNode 1
PRICE_AND_CUT SolveMasterAsIpFreqPass 1000
PRICE_AND_CUT SolveMasterAsIpLimitTime 30
PRICE_AND_CUT SolveMasterAsIpLimitGap 0.05
PRICE_AND_CUT SolveMasterUpdateAlgo 2
PRICE_AND_CUT SolveRelaxAsIp 1
PRICE_AND_CUT InitVarsWithIPLimitTime 10
PRICE_AND_CUT InitCompactSolve 0
PRICE_AND_CUT DualStabAlpha 0.1
PRICE_AND_CUT BreakOutPartial 0
PRICE_AND_CUT BranchEnforceInSubProb 0
PRICE_AND_CUT BranchEnforceInMaster 1
PRICE_AND_CUT MasterConvexityLessThan 0
PRICE_AND_CUT ParallelColsLimit 1
D-ALGO : 2.24 [CPU: 2.25 ] <--- getModelsFromApp() ------
D-ALGO : 2.26 [CPU: 2.273 ] --- getModelsFromApp() ------> funcT = 0.021
ModelCore cols: 61 rows: 20
D-ALGO : 2.3 [CPU: 2.31 ] <--- checkBlocksColumns() ----
D-ALGO : 2.33 [CPU: 2.34 ] <--- createOsiSubProblem() ---
D-ALGO : 2.36 [CPU: 2.363 ] --- createOsiSubProblem() ---> funcT = 0.028
D-ALGO : 2.38 [CPU: 2.39 ] <--- createOsiSubProblem() ---
D-ALGO : 2.41 [CPU: 2.416 ] --- createOsiSubProblem() ---> funcT = 0.028
D-ALGO : 2.43 [CPU: 2.44 ] <--- createOsiSubProblem() ---
D-ALGO : 2.46 [CPU: 2.466 ] --- createOsiSubProblem() ---> funcT = 0.024
D-ALGO : 2.48 [CPU: 2.49 ] <--- createOsiSubProblem() ---
D-ALGO : 2.51 [CPU: 2.515 ] --- createOsiSubProblem() ---> funcT = 0.028
Number of Convexity Constraints: 9
ModelRelax cols: 61 rows: 21
ModelRelax cols: 61 rows: 21
ModelRelax cols: 61 rows: 21
ModelRelax cols: 61 rows: 21
D-ALGO : 2.58 [CPU: 2.59 ] <--- generateInitVars() ------
D-APP : 2.6 [CPU: 2.61 ] <--- generateInitVars() ------
D-APP : 2.62 [CPU: 2.631 ] --- generateInitVars() ------> funcT = 0.019
D-ALGO : 2.65 [CPU: 2.66 ] <--- solveRelaxed() ----------
solve block b = 0
alpha = 9e+015
isNested = 0
Coin Cbc and Clp Solver version 2.4, build Dec 28 2010
command line - cbc -log 1 -ratio 0.1 -seconds INF -solve -quit (default strategy 1)
logLevel was changed from 1 to 1
ratioGap was changed from 0 to 0.1
String of INF is illegal for double parameter seconds value remains 1e+008
Continuous objective value is 0 - 0.01 seconds
Cgl0002I 5 variables fixed
Cgl0004I processed model has 2 rows, 2 columns (0 integer) and 4 elements
Cbc3007W No integer variables - nothing to do
Cuts at root node changed objective from 0 to -1.79769e+308
Probing was tried 0 times and created 0 cuts of which 0 were active after adding rounds of cuts (0.000 seconds)
Gomory was tried 0 times and created 0 cuts of which 0 were active after adding rounds of cuts (0.000 seconds)
Knapsack was tried 0 times and created 0 cuts of which 0 were active after adding rounds of cuts (0.000 seconds)
Clique was tried 0 times and created 0 cuts of which 0 were active after adding rounds of cuts (0.000 seconds)
MixedIntegerRounding2 was tried 0 times and created 0 cuts of which 0 were active after adding rounds of cuts (0.000 seconds)
FlowCover was tried 0 times and created 0 cuts of which 0 were active after adding rounds of cuts (0.000 seconds)
TwoMirCuts was tried 0 times and created 0 cuts of which 0 were active after adding rounds of cuts (0.000 seconds)
Result - Finished objective 0 after 0 nodes and 0 iterations - took 0.05 seconds (total time 0.10)
Total time 0.15
alpha = 9e+015
varRedCost = -9e+015
varOrigCost = 0
D-ALGO : 2.9 [CPU: 2.909 ] --- solveRelaxed() ----------> funcT = 0.25
ThisLB = 0, sumInitLB = 0
D-ALGO : 2.93 [CPU: 2.94 ] <--- solveRelaxed() ----------
solve block b = 1
alpha = 9e+015
isNested = 0
Coin Cbc and Clp Solver version 2.4, build Dec 28 2010
command line - cbc -log 1 -ratio 0.1 -seconds INF -solve -quit (default strategy 1)
logLevel was changed from 1 to 1
ratioGap was changed from 0 to 0.1
String of INF is illegal for double parameter seconds value remains 1e+008
Continuous objective value is 0 - 0.01 seconds
Cgl0002I 5 variables fixed
Cgl0004I processed model has 2 rows, 2 columns (0 integer) and 4 elements
Cbc3007W No integer variables - nothing to do
Cuts at root node changed objective from 0 to -1.79769e+308
Probing was tried 0 times and created 0 cuts of which 0 were active after adding rounds of cuts (0.000 seconds)
Gomory was tried 0 times and created 0 cuts of which 0 were active after adding rounds of cuts (0.000 seconds)
Knapsack was tried 0 times and created 0 cuts of which 0 were active after adding rounds of cuts (0.000 seconds)
Clique was tried 0 times and created 0 cuts of which 0 were active after adding rounds of cuts (0.000 seconds)
MixedIntegerRounding2 was tried 0 times and created 0 cuts of which 0 were active after adding rounds of cuts (0.000 seconds)
FlowCover was tried 0 times and created 0 cuts of which 0 were active after adding rounds of cuts (0.000 seconds)
TwoMirCuts was tried 0 times and created 0 cuts of which 0 were active after adding rounds of cuts (0.000 seconds)
Result - Finished objective 0 after 0 nodes and 0 iterations - took 0.05 seconds (total time 0.10)
Total time 0.15
alpha = 9e+015
varRedCost = -9e+015
varOrigCost = 0
D-ALGO : 3.16 [CPU: 3.169 ] --- solveRelaxed() ----------> funcT = 0.234
ThisLB = 0, sumInitLB = 0
D-ALGO : 3.19 [CPU: 3.2 ] <--- solveRelaxed() ----------
solve block b = 2
alpha = 9e+015
isNested = 0
Coin Cbc and Clp Solver version 2.4, build Dec 28 2010
command line - cbc -log 1 -ratio 0.1 -seconds INF -solve -quit (default strategy 1)
logLevel was changed from 1 to 1
ratioGap was changed from 0 to 0.1
String of INF is illegal for double parameter seconds value remains 1e+008
Continuous objective value is 0 - 0.01 seconds
Cgl0002I 5 variables fixed
Cgl0004I processed model has 2 rows, 2 columns (0 integer) and 4 elements
Cbc3007W No integer variables - nothing to do
Cuts at root node changed objective from 0 to -1.79769e+308
Probing was tried 0 times and created 0 cuts of which 0 were active after adding rounds of cuts (0.000 seconds)
Gomory was tried 0 times and created 0 cuts of which 0 were active after adding rounds of cuts (0.000 seconds)
Knapsack was tried 0 times and created 0 cuts of which 0 were active after adding rounds of cuts (0.000 seconds)
Clique was tried 0 times and created 0 cuts of which 0 were active after adding rounds of cuts (0.000 seconds)
MixedIntegerRounding2 was tried 0 times and created 0 cuts of which 0 were active after adding rounds of cuts (0.000 seconds)
FlowCover was tried 0 times and created 0 cuts of which 0 were active after adding rounds of cuts (0.000 seconds)
TwoMirCuts was tried 0 times and created 0 cuts of which 0 were active after adding rounds of cuts (0.000 seconds)
Result - Finished objective 0 after 0 nodes and 0 iterations - took 0.05 seconds (total time 0.10)
Total time 0.15
alpha = 9e+015
varRedCost = -9e+015
varOrigCost = 0
D-ALGO : 3.43 [CPU: 3.435 ] --- solveRelaxed() ----------> funcT = 0.238
ThisLB = 0, sumInitLB = 0
D-ALGO : 3.45 [CPU: 3.46 ] <--- solveRelaxed() ----------
solve block b = 3
alpha = 9e+015
isNested = 0
Coin Cbc and Clp Solver version 2.4, build Dec 28 2010
command line - cbc -log 1 -ratio 0.1 -seconds INF -solve -quit (default strategy 1)
logLevel was changed from 1 to 1
ratioGap was changed from 0 to 0.1
String of INF is illegal for double parameter seconds value remains 1e+008
Continuous objective value is 0 - 0.01 seconds
Cgl0002I 5 variables fixed
Cgl0004I processed model has 2 rows, 2 columns (0 integer) and 4 elements
Cbc3007W No integer variables - nothing to do
Cuts at root node changed objective from 0 to -1.79769e+308
Probing was tried 0 times and created 0 cuts of which 0 were active after adding rounds of cuts (0.000 seconds)
Gomory was tried 0 times and created 0 cuts of which 0 were active after adding rounds of cuts (0.000 seconds)
Knapsack was tried 0 times and created 0 cuts of which 0 were active after adding rounds of cuts (0.000 seconds)
Clique was tried 0 times and created 0 cuts of which 0 were active after adding rounds of cuts (0.000 seconds)
MixedIntegerRounding2 was tried 0 times and created 0 cuts of which 0 were active after adding rounds of cuts (0.000 seconds)
FlowCover was tried 0 times and created 0 cuts of which 0 were active after adding rounds of cuts (0.000 seconds)
TwoMirCuts was tried 0 times and created 0 cuts of which 0 were active after adding rounds of cuts (0.000 seconds)
Result - Finished objective 0 after 0 nodes and 0 iterations - took 0.05 seconds (total time 0.10)
Total time 0.15
alpha = 9e+015
varRedCost = -9e+015
varOrigCost = 0
D-ALGO : 3.69 [CPU: 3.695 ] --- solveRelaxed() ----------> funcT = 0.233
ThisLB = 0, sumInitLB = 0
D-ALGO : 3.71 [CPU: 3.72 ] <--- solveRelaxed() ----------
solve block b = 4
alpha = 9e+015
isNested = 0
D-ALGO : 3.75 [CPU: 3.759 ] --- solveRelaxed() ----------> funcT = 0.04
ThisLB = 0, sumInitLB = 0
D-ALGO : 3.78 [CPU: 3.79 ] <--- solveRelaxed() ----------
solve block b = 5
alpha = 9e+015
isNested = 0
D-ALGO : 3.82 [CPU: 3.826 ] --- solveRelaxed() ----------> funcT = 0.04
ThisLB = 0, sumInitLB = 0
D-ALGO : 3.85 [CPU: 3.85 ] <--- solveRelaxed() ----------
solve block b = 6
alpha = 9e+015
isNested = 0
D-ALGO : 3.88 [CPU: 3.893 ] --- solveRelaxed() ----------> funcT = 0.039
ThisLB = 0, sumInitLB = 0
D-ALGO : 3.91 [CPU: 3.92 ] <--- solveRelaxed() ----------
solve block b = 7
alpha = 9e+015
isNested = 0
D-ALGO : 3.95 [CPU: 3.958 ] --- solveRelaxed() ----------> funcT = 0.04
ThisLB = 0, sumInitLB = 0
D-ALGO : 3.98 [CPU: 3.99 ] <--- solveRelaxed() ----------
solve block b = 8
alpha = 9e+015
isNested = 0
D-ALGO : 4.02 [CPU: 4.026 ] --- solveRelaxed() ----------> funcT = 0.041
ThisLB = 0, sumInitLB = 0
D-ALGO : 4.05 [CPU: 4.053 ] --- generateInitVars() ------> funcT = 1.46
D-ALGO : 4.07 [CPU: 4.08 ] <--- createMasterProblem() ---
COIN Exception [ Range constraints are not yet supported. Please break up your range constraints into two constraints. ] at ..\..\..\..\src\DecompAlgo.cpp:L1170 in DecompAlgo: