[Dip] Differences between GAP examples

Florian Fontan dev at florian-fontan.fr
Tue Jun 11 15:32:55 EDT 2019

Dear Dip community,

I am trying to get familiar with Dip and understand how it works. Could 
someone tell me the differences between the multiple DecompApp 
implementation examples for the Generalized Assignment Problem?

For example, in GAP_DecompApp.cpp, I noticed that the setModelRelax call 
passes NULL as first argument:

     setModelRelax(NULL, modelName, i);

whereas in GAP_DecompApp3.cpp, an other model is defined:

     status = createModelPartKP(modelRelax, i);
     modelName = "KP" + UtilIntToStr(i);
     setModelRelax(modelRelax, modelName, i);

What does that mean? I haven't found any documentation about it


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