[Dip] Dip/py code issues, suggestions for additional functionality and question about branching decisions

Marcus Kaiser marcus.kaiser at mytum.de
Tue Mar 29 09:18:15 EDT 2016

Hello Ted,
this is a revision of my previous mail with added code snippets. They 
are excerpts of a copy of DIP source code version 0.92.2 to which I 
added some changes, and they show the fixes I made to address the 
mentioned issues. It goes without saying that I do not claim the code to 
be flawless. Nevertheless, I hope it is helpful to you.
Best regards

[///Implementation/]/ I found Dippy to suffer from *memory leaking*. 
Since it interfaces with Python, it is responsible for maintaning the 
reference counters of the Python objects it deals with. This is done in 
some parts of the code, but by far not all. A crucial situation which 
came to my attention is the method DippyDecompApp::solveRelaxed. The 
retrieved columns are converted to objects of the class DecompVar, yet 
the reference counter on the original Python object is not decreased, 
which prevents them from being deleted. Hence, for large problem 
instances the memory floods.

/_DecompSolverStatus DippyDecompApp::solveRelaxed(const int whichBlock,
                         const double* redCostX,
                         const double convexDual,
                         DecompVarList& varList)
    if (!m_pySolveRelaxed) {
       return DecompSolStatNoSolution;

    PyObject* pRelaxKey = PyList_GetItem(m_relaxedKeys, whichBlock);
    PyObject* pRedCostList = pyTupleList_FromDoubleArray(redCostX, 
    PyObject* pConvexDual = PyFloat_FromDouble(convexDual);
    // call solveRelaxed on DipProblem

    PyObject* pStatandVarList = PyObject_CallMethod(m_pProb, 
"solveRelaxed", "OOd",
**   Py_DECREF(pRedCostList);**
**   Py_DECREF(pConvexDual);*

    if ( (pStatandVarList == NULL) || (pStatandVarList == Py_None) ){
       throw UtilException("Error calling method prob.solveRelaxed()", 
"solveRelaxed", "DippyDecompApp");

    // [status, varList] = relaxed_solver(...)
    PyObject * pStatus = PyTuple_GetItem(pStatandVarList, 0);

    int cStatus = PyInt_AsLong(pStatus);

    DecompSolverStatus status = (DecompSolverStatus)cStatus;

    PyObject * pVarList = PyTuple_GetItem(pStatandVarList, 1);

    int nVars = PyObject_Length(pVarList);

    // In the new design, we need to allow the possibility that the user 
will solve
    // the problem exactly, but not find any solutions with reduced 
costs zero
    // The below is is commented out and left in the source for posterity
    // tkr 11/11/15
    //if (nVars == 0) {
    //   throw UtilException("Empty variable list", "solveRelaxed", 

    // solveRelaxed returns 3-tuples (cost, reduced cost, dictionary of 
(variable, value) pairs)
    // We can use these to construct a C++ DecompVar objects
    double cost, rc;
    PyObject* pTuple, *pDict, *pKeys, *pCol;
    string name;
    double value;

    for (int j = 0; j < nVars; j++) {
       pTuple = PySequence_GetItem(pVarList, j);
       cost   = PyFloat_AsDouble(PyTuple_GetItem(pTuple, 0));
       rc     = PyFloat_AsDouble(PyTuple_GetItem(pTuple, 1));

       pDict = PyTuple_GetItem(pTuple, 2);
       pKeys = PyDict_Keys(pDict);
       vector<int>    varInds;
       vector<double> varVals;

       for (int n = 0; n < PyObject_Length(pDict); n++) {
          pCol  = PyList_GetItem(pKeys, n);
          value = PyFloat_AsDouble(PyDict_GetItem(pDict, pCol));
**      Py_DECREF(****pKeys);*****
**      Py_DECREF(pTuple);*****

       DecompVar* var =  new DecompVar(varInds, varVals, rc, cost);

*   Py_DECREF(pStatandVarList);*

    return status;

/[Implementation]/ The method AlpsDecompTreeNode::getBranchedVar seems 
to be meant to return the *variable which is branched on*. However, only 
one of the four vectors potentially holding branching decisions is 
checked. I think both, lower bounds and upper bounds, need to be checked 
for at least one branch, e.g. downBranchLB_ and downBranchUB_.


/   int getBranchedVar() const {
       if (!downBranchLB_.empty()) {
          return downBranchLB_[0].first;*
**      } else if (!downBranchUB_.empty()) {**
**          return downBranchUB_[0].first;*
*// Not sure whether the following is necessary. Seems to be hard to 
decide as the getBranchedVar is not "natural", i.e. it does only 
consi**der one variable when there could be more.**
**//**     } else if (!upBranchLB_.empty()) {**
**//         return upBranchLB_[0].first;**
**//      } else if (!upBranchUB_.empty()) {**
**//          return upBranchUB_[0].first;*
       } else {
          return -1;


/[//Implementation/] In DecompAlgo::processNode, line 1855 the 
processing of a node is terminated if the *lower bound meets the global 
upper bound*. It takes into account numeric inexactness. The calling 
method AlpsDecompTreeNode::process repeats this check in line 309 but in 
an exact fashion why the node might not be fathomed when it should be. 
In my oppinion this repeated condition should match the original one. Or 
maybe even better, DecompAlgo::getStopCriteria could be used?

       if (quality_ >= currentUB*- **DecompEpsilon*) {
          doFathom = true;
          UTIL_DEBUG(param.msgLevel, 3,
                     cout << "Fathom since thisQuality= "
                     << setw(10) << UtilDblToStr(thisQuality)
                     << " quality_= " << setw(10) << UtilDblToStr(quality_)
                     << " currentUB = "  << setw(10) << 
                     << " gap = "     << setw(10) << UtilDblToStr(gap) 
<< endl;


/[Implementation]/ The member DecompAlgo::m_relGap is set in 
DecompAlgo::updateObjBound and used in DecompAlgo::isGapTight. 
DecompAlgo::m_relGap, however, is not reset when entering 
DecompAlgo::processNode. Therefore, it has an *invalid value* based on a 
node processed before - probably representing a tight *gap*. I think, 
this might lead to stopping the processing of a node immediately as it 
is mistakenly believed to have a tight gap, cf. DecompAlgo::phaseUpdate, 
line 4274. I suggest to reset DecompAlgo::m_relGap appropriately or 
replace it completely by calls to DecompAlgo::getNodeLPGap.

    bool isGapTight() {
       //TODO: make param
       double tightGap = m_param.MasterGapLimit;

       //printf("isGapTight m_relGap = %g\n", m_relGap);
       if (m_param.LogDebugLevel >= 2) {
          (*m_osLog) << "DW GAP = " << UtilDblToStr(m_relGap)
                     << " isTight = " << (m_relGap <= tightGap)
                     << "\n";

       if (*getNodeLPGap()* <= tightGap) {
          return true;
       } else {
          return false;


/[Functionality/Performance]/ For the problem I consider, the MILP 
formulation of the subproblems is quite huge. Therefore, I use a dummy 
formulation and prevent DIP from looking at it by always providing 
columns with negative reduced cost via my implementation of 
DecompApp::solveRelaxed if they exist. I do so in a two-step approach. 
In a first step the subproblem is solved heuristically. If this does not 
lead to new columns an exact method is applied. Since the exact method 
is costly, I would like to stick to the heuristic as long as there are 
new columns for /some/ subproblem. This stands in contrast to the 
current interface of DIP as it tries to solve subproblems without new 
columns using the MILP formulation.
Furthermore, the subproblems resemble each other for my problem. This 
would allow to solve them in an accumulated fashion as far as the 
reduced cost and branching decisions allow so. The latter is certainly 
true for the root node of the branch-and-bound tree. Hence, I would 
suggest to redesign the interface of DIP to enable a solution process 
for *all the subproblems at once* if the user provides it. Maybe the 
current treatment could act as a fallback.

My approach here was to introduce the method solveRelaxedAll for 
DecompApp and DecompAlgo. DecompAlgo::solveRelaxedAll calls 
DecompApp::solveRelaxedAll and decides on the return value whether it is 
actually implemented by the user (true) or not (false). This result is 
propagated back to DecompAlgo::generateVars which falls back on the 
original method if there is no implementation. This design is not 
perfect at all since there are large parts of code in 
DecompAlgo::solveRelaxedAll copied from DecompAlgo::solveRelaxed.


    virtual bool solveRelaxedAll(const double* redCost, const double* 
convexDuals, DecompVarList& varList, std::vector<DecompSolverStatus>& 
states) {
        return false;


bool DecompAlgo::solveRelaxedAll(const double*         redCost,
     const double*         origCost,
     const double*         convexDuals,
     const int             n_origCols,
     DecompSolverResult*   solveResult,
     DecompVarList&        vars,
     double                timeLimit

     UtilPrintFuncBegin(m_osLog, m_classTag, "solveRelaxedAll()", 
m_param.LogDebugLevel, 2);

     if (m_param.SubProbParallel) {
     } else {

*    DecompVarList userVars;**
**    vector<DecompSolverStatus> solverStatus(m_numConvexCon, 
**    if (m_param.SolveRelaxAsIp != 1) {**
**        if (!m_app->solveRelaxedAll(redCost, convexDuals, userVars, 
**            return false;**
**        for (auto var : userVars)**
**            if (var->getVarType() == DecompVar_Point)**
**var->setReducedCost(var->getReducedCost() - 
**    }**
**    m_isColGenExact = true;**
**    for (int subprobIndex = 0; subprobIndex < m_numConvexCon; 
**        m_isColGenExact &= solverStatus[subprobIndex] == 
**    if ((m_isColGenExact || userVars.size() > 0) && 
(m_param.SolveRelaxAsIp != 2)) {**
**        vars.splice(vars.end(), userVars);**
**    } else {*

         for (int subprobIndex = 0; subprobIndex < m_numConvexCon; 
subprobIndex++) {

             DecompSubModel&      subModel = getModelRelax(subprobIndex);
             OsiSolverInterface*  subprobSI = subModel.getOsi();
             int                  whichBlock = subModel.getBlockId();
             bool                 isRoot = getNodeIndex() ? false : true;
             DecompConstraintSet* model = subModel.getModel();

             bool doCutoff = m_param.SubProbUseCutoff;
             bool doExact = m_function == DecompFuncGenerateInitVars ? 
false : true;



             if (m_param.BranchEnforceInSubProb) {
                 subModel.setActiveColBounds(m_colLBNode, m_colUBNode);

             if (m_param.LogDumpModel > 1) {
                     string baseName = "subProb_" + subModel.getModelName();
                     if (m_isStrongBranch)
                         baseName += "_SB";
                     std::cout << "problem name is " << baseName << 
m_nodeStats.nodeIndex << m_nodeStats.cutCallsTotal << 
m_nodeStats.priceCallsTotal << whichBlock << std::endl;
                     printCurrentProblem(subprobSI, baseName, 
m_nodeStats.nodeIndex, m_nodeStats.cutCallsTotal, 
m_nodeStats.priceCallsTotal, whichBlock);

             subModel.solveAsMIP(solveResult, m_param, doExact, 
doCutoff, isRoot, convexDuals[subprobIndex] - DecompEpsilon, timeLimit);

             m_isColGenExact = solveResult->m_isOptimal;

             if (solveResult->m_nSolutions) {
                 int k;
                 int nSol = std::min<int>(solveResult->m_nSolutions, 
                 for (k = 0; k < nSol; k++) {
                     const double* milpSolution = 

                     vector<int>    ind;
                     vector<double> els;
                     int    i, c;
                     double varRedCost = 0.0;
                     double varOrigCost = 0.0;
                     DecompVarType varType = !solveResult->m_isUnbounded 
? DecompVar_Point : DecompVar_Ray;

                     if (model->isSparse()) {
                         map<int, int>::const_iterator mcit;
                         const map<int, int>& sparseToOrig = 

                         for (mcit = sparseToOrig.begin();
                             mcit != sparseToOrig.end(); mcit++) {
                             i = mcit->first; //sparse-index
                             c = mcit->second; //original-index

                             if (!UtilIsZero(milpSolution[i], 
m_app->m_param.TolZero)) {
                                 varRedCost += redCost[c] * milpSolution[i];
                                 varOrigCost += origCost[c] * 
                     else {
                         for (c = 0; c < n_origCols; c++) {
                             if (!UtilIsZero(milpSolution[c], 
m_app->m_param.TolZero)) {
                                 varRedCost += redCost[c] * milpSolution[c];
                                 varOrigCost += origCost[c] * 

                     if (varType == DecompVar_Point) {
                         varRedCost -= convexDuals[subprobIndex];

                     DecompVar* var = new DecompVar(ind, els, 
varRedCost, varOrigCost, varType);

*    }*

     if (!m_param.SubProbParallel) {

     UtilPrintFuncEnd(m_osLog, m_classTag, "solveRelaxedAll()", 
m_param.LogDebugLevel, 2);

     return true;


*        timeLimit = max(m_param.SubProbTimeLimitExact - 
m_stats.timerOverall.getRealTime(), 0.0);**
**        if (!solveRelaxedAll(redCostX, origObjective, convexDuals, 
nCoreCols, &solveResult, potentialVars, timeLimit)) {*

#ifdef _OPENMP
             UTIL_DEBUG(m_app->m_param.LogDebugLevel, 3,
                 (*m_osLog) << "===== START Threaded solve of 
subproblems. =====\n";
             if (m_param.SubProbParallel) {
             else {

             DecompVarList* potentialVarsT = new 
             CoinAssertHint(potentialVarsT, "Error: Out of Memory");

#pragma omp parallel for schedule(dynamic, 
             for (int subprobIndex = 0; subprobIndex < m_numConvexCon; 
subprobIndex++) {

                 DecompSubModel&    subModel = getModelRelax(subprobIndex);
                 double             alpha = u[nBaseCoreRows + subprobIndex];
                 DecompSolverResult solveResult(m_infinity);

#ifdef _OPENMP
                 UTIL_DEBUG(m_app->m_param.LogDebugLevel, 4,
                     (*m_osLog) << "THREAD " << omp_get_thread_num() << 
" solving subproblem " << subprobIndex << "\n";);
                 UTIL_DEBUG(m_app->m_param.LogDebugLevel, 4,
                     (*m_osLog) << "solve relaxed model = " << 
subModel.getModelName() << endl;

                 timeLimit = max(m_param.SubProbTimeLimitExact - 
m_stats.timerOverall.getRealTime(), 0.0);
                 solveRelaxed(redCostX, origObjective, alpha, nCoreCols, 
false, subModel, &solveResult, potentialVarsT[subprobIndex], timeLimit);

                 if (solveResult.m_isCutoff) {
                     mostNegRCvec[subprobIndex] = 
min(mostNegRCvec[subprobIndex], 0.0);

             for (int subprobIndex = 0; subprobIndex < m_numConvexCon; 
subprobIndex++) {
              /* printf("arg[%d].vars size=%d\n",
                 t, static_cast<int>(arg[t].vars->size()));
              for (it  = potentialVarsT[subprobIndex].begin();
                   it != potentialVarsT[subprobIndex].end(); it++) {
                 varRedCost = (*it)->getReducedCost();
                 whichBlock = (*it)->getBlockId();

                 if ((*it)->getVarType() == DecompVar_Point) {
                    alpha = u[nBaseCoreRows + whichBlock];
                 } else if ( (*it)->getVarType() == DecompVar_Ray) {
                    alpha = 0;

                 UTIL_DEBUG(m_app->m_param.LogDebugLevel, 3,
                        << "alpha[block=" << whichBlock << "]:" << alpha
                        << " varRedCost: " << varRedCost << "\n";

#ifdef _OPENMP
             UTIL_DEBUG(m_app->m_param.LogDebugLevel, 3,
                 << "===== END   Threaded solve of subproblems. =====\n";);

             for (int subprobIndex = 0; subprobIndex < m_numConvexCon; 
subprobIndex++) {
                 for (it = potentialVarsT[subprobIndex].begin(); it != 
potentialVarsT[subprobIndex].end(); it++) {

*        }**
**        UTIL_DELARR(convexDuals);*


[/Functionality/] Based on the fact that my algorithm for the subproblem 
is partly heuristic (see previous paragraphs), it is not until the last 
iterations for solving a single node that it provides not only feasible 
(DecompSolStatFeasible) but optimal solutions (DecompSolStatOptimal). 
Thus, a lower bound for the node can only be computed at the end of the 
solution process of each node. This prevents me from using the 
*tailing-off mechanism* provided by DIP (DecompAlgo::isTailoffLB) as it 
is based on the lower bound. For that reason, I think it would be useful 
to introduce an alternative tailing-off control based on the progression 
of the upper bound for the relaxed problem. Would this be a reasonable 


/[Implementation/Functionality]/ If a node is solved to optimality in 
the pricing phase (PHASE_PRICE2) no more columns are generated and the 
algorithm switches to PHASE_CUT (cf. DecompAlgo::phaseUpdate, line 
4215). It prevents stopping on a tight gap as checked in 
DecompAlgo::phaseUpdate, line 4274. Thus, the switch to the cutting 
phase it carried out. However, there is a parameter called PCStrategy. 
Setting it tofavorPrice will make DecompAlgo::phaseUpdate to immediately 
switch the phase from PHASE_CUT to PHASE_PRICE2 back again in line 4153 
as long as the limit on the number of price calls is not reached. This 
can result in alternation of the two phases and hence an*infinite loop*. 
I found the remedy of setting the RoundCutItersLimit to 0, which 
probably suits my intention better. Yet, I wonder what the actual use of 
the PCStrategy parameter is. At the moment it seems to be redundant as 
the RoundPriceItersLimit and RoundCutItersLimit are the controlling 


/[Performance/Implementation]/ I found that the *checks for duplicate 
and parallel columns* in DecompApp::addVarsToPool, lines 5565 sqq. are 
quite expensive. First of all, I believe that the check for parallel 
columns in line 5609 is redundant if the parameter ParallelColsLimit is 
1.0 (as pointed out in the comment preceeding that line of code). Since 
this is the default value of the parameter, I recommend checking for 
parallel columns only if the parameter is smaller than 1.0. Apart from 
that in my understanding of column generation, columns with negative 
reduced cost cannot have been included before. This would render it 
unnecessary to check for duplicates in the existing columns. Maybe this 
is not true for some configurations like DualStab? As mentioned in the 
comments in the code, the hashing of the columns is not efficient at 
all. A comparison based on this hashes is even more expensive than a 
direct comparison of the sparse representation. A better hashing and 
conditional exact comparison would result in a noticable speed-up, I 


/_      if (foundGoodCol *&& m_param.ParallelColsLimit < 1.0*&&
             m_varpool.isParallel(m_vars, waitingCol, 
m_param.ParallelColsLimit)) {
          UTIL_DEBUG(m_app->m_param.LogDebugLevel, 3,
                     (*m_osLog) << "Parallel variable, already in vars.\n";

          if (m_algo != RELAX_AND_CUT) { //??



bool DecompVarPool::isDuplicate(const DecompVarList&     vars,
     const DecompWaitingCol& wcol)
     const DecompVar* var = wcol.getVarPtr();
     const int      block = var->getBlockId();
     const int      len = var->m_s.getNumElements();
     const int*     indices = var->m_s.getIndices();
     const double*  values = var->m_s.getElements();
//    const string   hash = var->getStrHash();

     for (DecompVarList::const_iterator vi = vars.begin(); vi != 
vars.end(); vi++) {

         if ((*vi)->getBlockId() != block)

// Could be reasonalbe if hashing is lightweight and yields an adequate 
number of "buckets"
//        if ((*vi)->getStrHash() != hash)
//            continue;

         if ((*vi)->m_s.getNumElements() != len)

         const int* other_indices = (*vi)->m_s.getIndices();
         const double* other_values = (*vi)->m_s.getElements();

         for (int i = 0; i < len; i++)
             if (other_indices[i] != indices[i] || other_values[i] != 
                 goto next;

         return true;

         next: {}

     return false;

bool DecompVarPool::isDuplicate(const DecompWaitingCol& wcol)
// Repetition of code from above. Refactor?

     const DecompVar* var = wcol.getVarPtr();
     const int      block = var->getBlockId();
     const int      len = var->m_s.getNumElements();
     const int*     indices = var->m_s.getIndices();
     const double*  values = var->m_s.getElements();
//    const string   hash = var->getStrHash();

     for (auto vi = begin(); vi != end(); vi++) {

         const DecompVar* other = (*vi).getVarPtr();

         if (other->getBlockId() != block)

// Could be reasonalbe if hashing is lightweight and yields an adequate 
number of "buckets"
//        if (other->getStrHash() != hash)
//            continue;

         if (other->m_s.getNumElements() != len)

         const int* other_indices = other->m_s.getIndices();
         const double* other_values = other->m_s.getElements();

         for (int i = 0; i < len; i++)
             if (other_indices[i] != indices[i] || other_values[i] != 
                 goto next;

         return true;

         next: {}

     return false;


/[Question]/ Finally, I did not understand the usage of the parameters 
BranchEnforceInMaster and BranchEnforceInSubProb and would be grateful 
if you could explain the basic meaning of them to me. They seem to 
control the treatment of the branching decisions. BranchEnforceInMaster 
suggests to include the decisions as new rows in the master problem and 
enforce them via reduced costs, when BranchEnforceInSubProb suggests to 
make it the subproblems' task to deal with them. In the latter case, 
what happens to conditions which include master-only variables and 
therefore cannot be treated in the subproblems? What is the best way for 
getting the branching decisions for the current node when using 


Am 27.03.2016 um 00:53 schrieb Ted Ralphs:
> Hi Marcus,
> Thanks very much for the detailed feedback! Sorry for the delay in 
> responding. I had a quick look over your comments and they all seem 
> reasonable. The implementation issues look like they can be fixed 
> fairly quickly and easily. For the others, we need to have a more 
> detailed look to see what can be done in the short and long run. In 
> the next couple of days, I'll try to respond with detailed comments on 
> each of your issues. Of course, if you want to provide patches for any 
> of these, that would be most welcome :).
> Cheers,
> Ted
> On Mon, Mar 21, 2016 at 9:59 AM, Marcus Kaiser <marcus.kaiser at mytum.de 
> <mailto:marcus.kaiser at mytum.de>> wrote:
>     Hello Dip/py community,
>     in my master's thesis im dealing with a Dantzig-Wolfe
>     decomposition and the resulting column generation. For the
>     implementation I use the DIP framework, version 0.92.2 on Windows
>     7 with MSVC 2013. I appreciate that you provide such an extensive
>     framework. While working with it and debbuging my code the
>     following things came to my mind. Some of them are performance and
>     implementation related others address the functionality of the
>     algorithms in DIP. Additionally, I have a question about the
>     treatment of branching decisions.
>     /[///Implementation/]/ I found Dippy to suffer from *memory
>     leaking*. Since it interfaces with Python, it is responsible for
>     maintaning the reference counters of the Python objects it deals
>     with. This is done in some parts of the code, but by far not all.
>     A crucial situation which came to my attention is the method
>     DippyDecompApp::solveRelaxed. The retrieved columns are converted
>     to objects of the class DecompVar, yet the reference counter on
>     the original Python object is not decreased, which prevents them
>     from being deleted. Hence, for large problem instances the memory
>     floods.
>     /[Implementation]/ The method AlpsDecompTreeNode::getBranchedVar
>     seems to be meant to return the *variable which is branched on*.
>     However, only one of the four vectors potentially holding
>     branching decisions is checked. I think both, lower bounds and
>     upper bounds, need to be checked for at least one branch, e.g.
>     downBranchLB_ and downBranchUB_.
>     /[//Implementation/] In DecompAlgo::processNode, line 1855 the
>     processing of a node is terminated if the *lower bound meets the
>     global upper bound*. It takes into account numeric inexactness.
>     The calling method AlpsDecompTreeNode::process repeats this check
>     in line 309 but in an exact fashion why the node might not be
>     fathomed when it should be. In my oppinion this repeated condition
>     should match the original one. Or maybe even better,
>     DecompAlgo::getStopCriteria could be used?
>     /[Implementation]/ The member DecompAlgo::m_relGap is set in
>     DecompAlgo::updateObjBound and used in DecompAlgo::isGapTight.
>     DecompAlgo::m_relGap, however, is not reset when entering
>     DecompAlgo::processNode. Therefore, it has an *invalid value*
>     based on a node processed before - probably representing a tight
>     *gap*. I think, this might lead to stopping the processing of a
>     node immediately as it is mistakenly believed to have a tight gap,
>     cf. DecompAlgo::phaseUpdate, line 4274. I suggest to reset
>     DecompAlgo::m_relGap appropriately or replace it completely by
>     calls to DecompAlgo::getNodeLPGap.
>     /[Functionality/Performance]/ For the problem I consider, the MILP
>     formulation of the subproblems is quite huge. Therefore, I use a
>     dummy formulation and prevent DIP from looking at it by always
>     providing columns with negative reduced cost via my implementation
>     of DecompApp::solveRelaxed if they exist. I do so in a two-step
>     approach. In a first step the subproblem is solved heuristically.
>     If this does not lead to new columns an exact method is applied.
>     Since the exact method is costly, I would like to stick to the
>     heuristic as long as there are new columns for /some/ subproblem.
>     This stands in contrast to the current interface of DIP as it
>     tries to solve subproblems without new columns using the MILP
>     formulation.
>     Furthermore, the subproblems resemble each other for my problem.
>     This would allow to solve them in an accumulated fashion as far as
>     the reduced cost and branching decisions allow so. The latter is
>     certainly true for the root node of the branch-and-bound tree.
>     Hence, I would suggest to redesign the interface of DIP to enable
>     a solution process for *all the subproblems at once* if the user
>     provides it. Maybe the current treatment could act as a fallback.
>     [/Functionality/] Based on the fact that my algorithm for the
>     subproblem is partly heuristic (see previous paragraphs), it is
>     not until the last iterations for solving a single node that it
>     provides not only feasible (DecompSolStatFeasible) but optimal
>     solutions (DecompSolStatOptimal). Thus, a lower bound for the node
>     can only be computed at the end of the solution process of each
>     node. This prevents me from using the *tailing-off mechanism*
>     provided by DIP (DecompAlgo::isTailoffLB) as it is based on the
>     lower bound. For that reason, I think it would be useful to
>     introduce an alternative tailing-off control based on the
>     progression of the upper bound for the relaxed problem. Would this
>     be a reasonable approach?
>     /[Implementation/Functionality]/ If a node is solved to optimality
>     in the pricing phase (PHASE_PRICE2) no more columns are generated
>     and the algorithm switches to PHASE_CUT (cf.
>     DecompAlgo::phaseUpdate, line 4215). It prevents stopping on a
>     tight gap as checked in DecompAlgo::phaseUpdate, line 4274. Thus,
>     the switch to the cutting phase it carried out. However, there is
>     a parameter called PCStrategy. Setting it tofavorPrice will make
>     DecompAlgo::phaseUpdate to immediately switch the phase from
>     PHASE_CUT to PHASE_PRICE2 back again in line 4153 as long as the
>     limit on the number of price calls is not reached. This can result
>     in alternation of the two phases and hence an*infinite loop*. I
>     found the remedy of setting the RoundCutItersLimit to 0, which
>     probably suits my intention better. Yet, I wonder what the actual
>     use of the PCStrategy parameter is. At the moment it seems to be
>     redundant as the RoundPriceItersLimit  and RoundCutItersLimit are
>     the controlling paramerters.
>     /[Performance/Implementation]/ I found that the *checks for
>     duplicate and parallel columns* in DecompApp::addVarsToPool, lines
>     5565 sqq. are quite expensive. First of all, I believe that the
>     check for parallel columns in line 5609 is redundant if the
>     parameter ParallelColsLimit is 1.0 (as pointed out in the comment
>     preceeding that line of code). Since this is the default value of
>     the parameter, I recommend checking for parallel columns only if
>     the parameter is smaller than 1.0. Apart from that in my
>     understanding of column generation, columns with negative reduced
>     cost cannot have been included before. This would render it
>     unnecessary to check for duplicates in the existing columns. Maybe
>     this is not true for some configurations like DualStab? As
>     mentioned in the comments in the code, the hashing of the columns
>     is not efficient at all. A comparison based on this hashes is even
>     more expensive than a direct comparison of the sparse
>     representation. A better hashing and conditional exact comparison
>     would result in a noticable speed-up, I suppose.
>     /[Question]/ Finally, I did not understand the usage of the
>     parameters BranchEnforceInMaster and BranchEnforceInSubProb and
>     would be grateful if you could explain the basic meaning of them
>     to me. They seem to control the treatment of the branching
>     decisions. BranchEnforceInMaster suggests to include the decisions
>     as new rows in the master problem and enforce them via reduced
>     costs, when BranchEnforceInSubProb suggests to make it the
>     subproblems' task to deal with them. In the latter case, what
>     happens to conditions which include master-only variables and
>     therefore cannot be treated in the subproblems? What is the best
>     way for getting the branching decisions for the current node when
>     using BranchEnforceInSubProb?
>     Thank you in advance,
>     Marcus
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> -- 
> Dr. Ted Ralphs
> Professor, Lehigh University
> (610) 628-1280
> ted 'at' lehigh 'dot' edu
> coral.ie.lehigh.edu/~ted <http://coral.ie.lehigh.edu/%7Eted>

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