[Dip] Restricted Master Solution Value

Kipp Martin kmartin at chicagobooth.edu
Sat Oct 16 15:50:19 EDT 2010

Hi Matt:

Thanks for this information. Very useful.

What is strange is that

DecompAlgo * algo          = getDecompAlgo();

compiles and executes just fine without

   #include "DecompAlgo.h"

I will reveal my utter lack of C++ here, but I just assumed that since 
the above worked without

#include "DecompAlgo.h"

that the DecompAlgo.h was getting included somewhere earlier in the food 
chain like in

#include "OSDipApp.h"

and did not even bother to look for DecompAlgo.h. Since DecompAlgo.h 
was not getting included I have no idea why

DecompAlgo * algo          = getDecompAlgo();

would compile since it seems like algo would be an unknown data type. 
This strikes me as odd, but anyway at least it works now.


>  From your user function, get access to the DecompAlgo class:
>    DecompAlgo   * algo          = getDecompAlgo();
> Then, use the access methods in there, e.g.:
>    const double * masterDualSol    = algo->getMasterDualSolution();
>    const double * masterPrimalSol = algo->getMasterPrimalSolution();
>    double masterObjValue = algo->getMasterObjValue();
> If you want direct access to the master Osi object, use:
>    OsiSolverInterface * osi = algo->getMasterOSI( )
>  From there, you can use any base Osi method, or if you want specific 
> OsiClp methods, cast the Osi object to an OsiClp object.

Kipp Martin
Professor of Operations Research
and Computing Technology
Booth School of Business
University of Chicago
5807 South Woodlawn Avenue
Chicago, IL 60637
kmartin at chicagobooth.edu

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