[Dip-tickets] [Dip] #76: Recompose solution error when in Phase I

Dip coin-trac at coin-or.org
Tue Jul 5 17:21:15 EDT 2011

#76: Recompose solution error when in Phase I
Reporter:  mosu001  |       Type:  defect
  Status:  new      |   Priority:  major 
 Version:  trunk    |   Keywords:        
 I have a facility location problem using price and cut and it generates an
 error from recomposeSolution even though it has moved into Phase I after
 generating a branch. As far as I can tell the m_firstPhase2Call causes the
 solutionUpdateAsIP function to be called and this finds a feasible integer
 solution, but it includes an artifical variable and so recomposeSolution
 fails. I don't seem to be able to attach files to this ticket so I have
 cut-and-paste the Dippy file below:

 import coinor.pulp as pulp
 from pulp import *
 ##import coinor.dippy as dippy
 import dippy

 from math import floor, ceil
 from random import seed, shuffle
 from copy import copy
 from operator import itemgetter

 tol = pow(pow(2, -24), 2.0 / 3.0)

 from facility_ex1 import Requirement, PRODUCTS, LOCATIONS, Capacity
 ##from facility_test1 import Requirement, PRODUCTS, LOCATIONS, Capacity
 ##from facility_test2 import Requirement, PRODUCTS, LOCATIONS, Capacity
 ##from facility_test6 import Requirement, PRODUCTS, LOCATIONS, Capacity

 prob = dippy.DipProblem("Facility_Location")

 assign_vars = LpVariable.dicts("AtLocation",
               [(i, j) for i in LOCATIONS
                       for j in PRODUCTS],
               0, 1, LpBinary)
 use_vars    = LpVariable.dicts("UseLocation",
               LOCATIONS, 0, 1, LpBinary)
 waste_vars  = LpVariable.dicts("Waste",
               LOCATIONS, 0, Capacity)

 # objective: minimise waste
 prob += sum(waste_vars[i] for i in LOCATIONS), "min"

 # assignment constraints
 for j in PRODUCTS:
     prob += sum(assign_vars[(i, j)] for i in LOCATIONS) == 1

 # aggregate capacity constraints
 for i in LOCATIONS:
     prob.relaxation[i] += sum(assign_vars[(i, j)] * Requirement[j]
                               for j in PRODUCTS) + waste_vars[i] == \
             Capacity * use_vars[i]

 # disaggregate capacity constraints
 for i in LOCATIONS:
     for j in PRODUCTS:
         prob.relaxation[i] += assign_vars[(i, j)] <= use_vars[i]

 # ordering constraints
 for n, i in enumerate(LOCATIONS):
     if n > 0:
         prob += use_vars[LOCATIONS[n-1]] >= use_vars[i]

 # anti-symmetry branches
 def choose_antisymmetry_branch(prob, sol):
     num_locations = sum(sol[use_vars[i]] for i in LOCATIONS)
     up = ceil(num_locations)
     down = floor(num_locations)
     if (up - num_locations > tol) and \
        (num_locations - down > tol):    # num_locations is fractional
         # Define the down branch ubs, lbs = defaults
         down_branch_ub = [(use_vars[LOCATIONS[n]], 0) for
                           n in range(int(down), len(LOCATIONS))]
         # Define the up branch lbs, ubs = defaults
         up_branch_lb = [(use_vars[LOCATIONS[n]], 1) for
                         n in range(0, int(up))]

         return ([], down_branch_ub, up_branch_lb, [])

 prob.branch_method = choose_antisymmetry_branch

 def solve_subproblem(prob, index, redCosts, convexDual):
    loc = index

 ##   print "Location = ", loc
 ##   for j in PRODUCTS:
 ##       print "redCosts for assign_vars[(", loc, ",", j, ")] =",
 redCosts[assign_vars[(loc, j)]]
 ##   print "redCosts for use_vars[", loc, "] =", redCosts[use_vars[loc]]
 ##   print "redCosts for waste_vars[", loc, "] =",

    # Calculate effective objective coefficient of products
    effs = {}
    for j in PRODUCTS:
        effs[j] = redCosts[assign_vars[(loc, j)]] \
                - redCosts[waste_vars[loc]] * Requirement[j]

    vars = [assign_vars[(loc, j)] for j in PRODUCTS]
    obj = [-effs[j] for j in PRODUCTS]
    weights = [Requirement[j] for j in PRODUCTS]

    # Use 0-1 KP to maximise total effective value of products at location
    z, solution = knapsack01(obj, weights, Capacity)

    # Get the reduced cost of the knapsack solution and waste
    rc = redCosts[use_vars[loc]] -z + redCosts[waste_vars[loc]] * Capacity
    waste = Capacity - sum(weights[i] for i in solution)
    rc += redCosts[waste_vars[loc]] * waste

 ##   print "z =", z, "rc = ", rc, ", convexDual =", convexDual, ",
 solution =", solution

    # Return the solution if the reduced cost is low enough
    if rc < -tol: # The location is used and "useful"
        if rc - convexDual < -tol:
            var_values = [(vars[i], 1) for i in solution]
            var_values.append((use_vars[loc], 1))
            var_values.append((waste_vars[loc], waste))

            dv = dippy.DecompVar(var_values, rc - convexDual, waste)
 ##           print "var_values =", var_values
 ##           print "rc =", rc - convexDual
 ##           print "cost =", waste
            return [dv]

    elif -convexDual < -tol: # An empty location is "useful"
            var_values = []

            dv = dippy.DecompVar(var_values, -convexDual, 0.0)
 ##           print "var_values =", var_values
 ##           print "rc =", -convexDual
 ##           print "cost =", 0.0
            return [dv]

    return []

 ##prob.relaxed_solver = solve_subproblem

 def knapsack01(obj, weights, capacity):
     """ 0/1 knapsack solver, maximizes profit. weights and capacity
 integer """
     assert len(obj) == len(weights)
     n = len(obj)

     if n == 0:
         return 0, []

     c = [[0]*(capacity+1) for i in range(n)]
     added = [[False]*(capacity+1) for i in range(n)]
     # c [items, remaining capacity]
     # important: this code assumes strictly positive objective values
     for i in range(n):
         for j in range(capacity+1):
             if (weights[i] > j):
                 c[i][j] = c[i-1][j]
                 c_add = obj[i] + c[i-1][j-weights[i]]
                 if c_add > c[i-1][j]:
                     c[i][j] = c_add
                     added[i][j] = True
                     c[i][j] = c[i-1][j]

     # backtrack to find solution
     i = n-1
     j = capacity

     solution = []
     while i >= 0 and j >= 0:
         if added[i][j]:
             j -= weights[i]
         i -= 1

     return c[n-1][capacity], solution

 def first_fit(prob):

    lcs = []
    sw = sorted(Requirement.items(), key=itemgetter(1), reverse=True)
    unallocated = [s[0] for s in sw]
    while len(unallocated) > 0:
        lc = []
        waste = Capacity
        j = 0
        while j < len(unallocated):
            if Requirement[unallocated[j]] <= waste:
                item = unallocated[j]
                waste -= Requirement[item]
                 j += 1
        lcs.append((lc, waste))

    bvs = []
    for k in range(len(lcs)):
        loc = LOCATIONS[k]
        lc = lcs[k][0]
        waste = lcs[k][1]
        var_values = [(assign_vars[(loc, j)], 1) for j in lc]
        var_values.append((use_vars[loc], 1))
        var_values.append((waste_vars[loc], waste))

        dv = dippy.DecompVar(var_values, None, waste)
        bvs.append((loc, dv))

    return bvs

 def one_each(prob):

    bvs = []
    for i, loc in enumerate(LOCATIONS):
        lc = [PRODUCTS[i]]
        waste = Capacity - Requirement[PRODUCTS[i]]
        var_values = [(assign_vars[(loc, j)], 1) for j in lc]
        var_values.append((use_vars[loc], 1))
        var_values.append((waste_vars[loc], waste))

        dv = dippy.DecompVar(var_values, None, waste)
        bvs.append((loc, dv))

    return bvs

 ##prob.init_vars = first_fit
 ##prob.init_vars = one_each

 for n, i in enumerate(LOCATIONS):
     prob.writeRelaxed(n, 'facility_relax%s.lp' % i);

 dippy.Solve(prob, {
     'TolZero': '%s' % tol,
     'doPriceCut': '1',
     'generateInitVars': '1',
     'LogDebugLevel': '5',
     'LogDumpModel': '5',

 # print solution
 for i in LOCATIONS:
     if use_vars[i].varValue > tol:
         print "Location ", i, \
               " produces ", \
               [j for j in PRODUCTS
                if assign_vars[(i, j)].varValue > tol]

Ticket URL: <https://projects.coin-or.org/Dip/ticket/76>
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An extensible software framework for implementing decompositon-based bounding algorithms for use in solving large-scale discrete optimization problems.

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