[Couenne] Inquiry regarding Changing Solver Options in Colab

Hyemi Kim hyemi.kim.0308 at gmail.com
Wed Jun 7 16:40:39 EDT 2023

I tried to change the option, such as feas_tolerance, of couenne solver
(global solver of MINLP). I used Pyomo and Colab. Does anyone know how to
change it?

I tried this step:
solver = SolverFactory(solver)
solver.options['feas_tolerace'] = 1 # any value...
results = solver.solve(model, timelimit=10)

However, I got this log:

ERROR:pyomo.opt:Solver (asl) returned non-zero return code (1)
ERROR:pyomo.opt:Solver log: Couenne 0.5.8 -- an Open-Source solver for
Mixed Integer Nonlinear Optimization Mailing list: couenne at list.coin-or.org
Instructions: http://www.coin-or.org/Couenne couenne: Unknown keyword
"feas_tolerance" Unknown keyword "feas_tolerance"

I used feas_tolerance because it is specified in the user manual.

How can I fix this?

Thank you for reading my email.

Best regards,

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