[Coin-ima] Meeting Follow-up

Ted Ralphs ted at lehigh.edu
Thu Jul 19 11:48:23 EDT 2018

Hi all,

Just a few things following up on the meeting yesterday. I'm sending this
to the mailing list that was created a while back so it would be great to
know that it's going out as expected. I think we were having some trouble
with the list initially.

I've now fleshed out the draft schedule a bit more beyond what we talked
about yesterday. I added proposed "leaders" for each day's activities. To
spread things around a bit and lower the burden on the core group, I
slotted in Lou Hafer to lead the day on unit testing, etc. I have not asked
him, but will do so if there are no complaints. The updated document is


I archived the initial brainstorming stuff to the end of the document and
added two summary pages at the beginning. The paragraph on the second page
is for the poster and I was told it should be no more than three sentences.
It may still be too long, but let me know what you think.

Note that we've added optional lunch meetings on various topics for those
who are interested. I think that innovation happened after some you
departed. The overall list of topics seems good now, we just need to
continue to massage it a bit based on feedback.

There are several topics that may be important, but that didn't come up in
yesterday's discussion and seem difficult to fit into the current schedule
easily. These include

   - Packaging (Fedora, Debian, Homebrew, etc.)
   - The future of Cbc/Clp (added as a lunch discussion topic, but might
   need more discussion)
   - Issues around software as a publication (could fit on Friday)

An action item for all is to please suggest additional invitees. We need
about 15 more. At this point, we already have three or four possibilities,
so there is plenty of room remaining. Here is the current list. It's not
clear to me that this is current, since I'm not on it :).



Dr. Ted Ralphs
Professor and Interim Department Chair
Industrial and Systems Engineering
Lehigh University
(610) 628-1280
ted 'at' lehigh 'dot' edu
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