Dear all,<br><br>ROSE has joined COIN-OR!<br><br>ROSE (Reformulation/Optimization Software Engine) is an automatic reformulation software for mathematical programs. It is a research code, some parts of it are poorly written (they date to a time when the authors were definitely less smart than now), it is difficult to use, it lacks quite a bit of documentation, but it moves a few steps in a good direction. Mostly, it helps the authors carry out their research.<br>
ROSE works either stand-alone (mostly for debugging purposes) or as an AMPL solver. As AMPL is very much closed-source and has no facilities for editing a "structured formulations" (i.e. a formulation involving indices and quantifiers) in memory, ROSE writes its output (usually a reformulated version of the mathematical programming formulation given in input) as a text file. This may be an input to a further processing software (such as a numerical solver), or a "flat formulation" (i.e. a formulation without indices where all the parameter symbols have been replaced by numerical data) again in AMPL format.<br>
More information can be found in <a href="">here</a>. The authors are willing to help. Write to the maintainer <a href="">David Savourey</a> or to the main author <a href="">Leo Liberti</a>. Hopefully David will give you a faster answer.<br>
<br clear="all">Leo & David<br>