Hi all, As you may know, we are coming up on the 10th anniversary of COIN-OR (dating from IBM's original announcement at ISMP 2000). As part of the celebrations for this milestone (lots of open source projects don't live through their first year, let alone 10!), we, the COIN-OR Strategic Leadership Board, are collecting success stories about COIN-OR. We will be using these stories in prize nominations, presentations, reports and other anniversary activities. <br>
<br>If COIN-OR has changed your life or made your organization more successful, can I ask you to spend a few minutes writing a paragraph or so about your experience and to then send it to me (<a href="mailto:trick@cmu.edu">trick@cmu.edu</a>)? The more specificity the better, and any external measures of success ("We won this prize due to COIN-OR") are very much welcome. We particularly want stories on how COIN-OR is affecting the world outside of operations research, but very much welcome stories from within the field.<br>
<br>We will be using these throughout the rest of the year, but our first deadline is in just 10 days. If you have something to offer, can you spend a few minutes now writing me about it?<br><br>Best wishes,<br><br>Mike<br>
<br>P.S. Any thoughts you have on statistics that show the effect of COIN-OR or any of its projects would also be very welcome.<br clear="all"><br>-- <br>-----------------------------------------------------------------------<br>
Michael Trick <a href="mailto:trick@cmu.edu">trick@cmu.edu</a><br>Professor and Associate Dean, Research<br>Tepper School of Business<br>Carnegie Mellon <a href="http://mat.tepper.cmu.edu">http://mat.tepper.cmu.edu</a><br>