<p>Apologies for multiple posts.<br>
After many happy and stimulating years at IBM's T. J. Watson Research Center, I will be retiring this month.<br>
I had the honor, as Benevolent Dictator, to announce the start of COIN-OR at the International Symposium of Mathematical Programming held at Atlanta in 2000. Slowly I became more involved in contributing code to the Coin projects and have been the main author and Project Manager for Cbc and Clp.<br>
I will be stepping down from being Project Manager for these projects as from the end of this week. The new teams will put more details on the Cbc and Clp mailing lists.<br>
For Cbc Ted Ralphs of Lehigh University will be the new Project Manager helped by Bjarni Kristjansson of Maximal Software.<br>
For Clp Julian Hall of the University of Edinburgh will be the new Project Manager helped by Lou Hafer of Simon Fraser University and Matt Saltzman of Clemson University. <br>
I am sure that you will help them maintain and develop the two projects successfully.<br>
I am uncertain to what extent I will stay involved with Coin as I have a range of plans to keep myself occupied in retirement. I have got as far as creating a web site www.fastercoin.com with the idea of helping businesses make better use of the Coin projects on which I have worked. <br>
>From February 11 my new e-mail address will be john.forrest@fastercoin.com. At that time I may even put some real content on my website.<br>
Thank you to all the people who have .used Cbc and Clp and who have helped to find and fix bugs. Thanks also to all the past and present members of the Strategic Leadership Board and Technical Leadership Council.<br>
John Forrest<br>