[Clp] Clp_initialPrimalSolve claims infeasibility where it should not

Henning Thielemann coinor at henning-thielemann.de
Mon Dec 4 10:40:16 EST 2023

My automated randomized QuickCheck tests fail occasionally when running 
initialPrimalSolve. Attached is one such example. The problem can be 
solved when I call a solver other than initialPrimalSolve (initialSolve, 
initialDualSolve) or when I replace Maximize by Minimize or when I use a 
solver from another LP project, e.g. glpksol or highs.

See attached example.
-------------- next part --------------
NAME          ClpDefau
 L  R0000000
 L  R0000001
 L  R0000002
    C0000000  OBJROW    8.          
    C0000000  R0000000  5.          
    C0000000  R0000001   -10.       
    C0000000  R0000002  9.          
    C0000001  OBJROW     -8.        
    C0000001  R0000001   -5.        
    C0000002  OBJROW    2.          
    C0000002  R0000000   -3.        
    C0000002  R0000002  8.          
    C0000003  OBJROW     -5.        
    C0000003  R0000001  2.          
    RHS       R0000000   -16.       
    RHS       R0000001   -25.       
    RHS       R0000002  74.         
    RANGE     R0000000  18.         
    RANGE     R0000002  33.         
 LO BOUND     C0000000   -99.       
 UP BOUND     C0000000  78.         
 LO BOUND     C0000001   -62.       
 UP BOUND     C0000001  79.         
 LO BOUND     C0000002   -53.       
 UP BOUND     C0000002  64.         
 LO BOUND     C0000003   -70.       
 UP BOUND     C0000003  51.         

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