[Cbc] Why unmaintained OsiCbc?

Jan-Willem Goossens jhmgoossens at hotmail.com
Sun Nov 17 16:10:53 EST 2019

Hi, a few comment threads discuss how OsiCbc is unmaintained, but I couldn’t understand why?
For example, https://github.com/coin-or/CyLP/issues/34#issuecomment-185988123

My code (https://github.com/coin-or/SONNET) is also calling solvers via Osi, including OsiCbc. In case of OsiCbc, Sonnet calls CbcSolver to apply some of the ‘special sauce’ mentioned in the comments above.

Also, why not use CbcSolver in OsiCbc instead of the plain branchAndBound, like the comment
“To enjoy the full performance of Cbc, use the CbcSolver interface.” mentions?

Is the best way forward to plan to stop using OsiCbc, or to try to get OsiCbc maintained?

Regards,  Jan-Willem
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