[BuildTools] New releases 0.8.1 and 0.8.2

Ted Ralphs ted at lehigh.edu
Mon Feb 9 00:22:45 EST 2015

I made two new releases of BuildTools.

1. Release 0.8.1 fixes a bug that did not properly enable dependency
linking by default, as was the intended behavior for the 0.8 series. This
was an unintended side effect of using the same libtool script for all
projects in a monothic build.

2. Release 0.8.2 fixed a bug in our script for making releases that caused
a miscalculation in the libtool version number of any project with a stable
(minor) version number greater than 10.

There were also corresponding releases of all ThirdParty projects.


Dr. Ted Ralphs
Professor, Lehigh University
(610) 628-1280
ted 'at' lehigh 'dot' edu
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