[BuildTools] Buildtools releases 0.7.11 and 0.7.12

Ted Ralphs ted at lehigh.edu
Fri Nov 15 20:44:37 EST 2013

Although Stefan has already announced release 0.7.13, my announcement of
0.7.11 and 0.7.12 was silently discarded due to an e-mail address mismatch.
For the record, here is the announcement:

Stefan made build tools release 0.7.11. This was to make


equivalent to

--enable-msvc --enable-shared.

These equivalent options specify the use of the -MD switch for the Visual
Studio compiler, which links the shared version of the Microsoft run-time
but does not actually build shared libraries. The -MD switch produces
libraries that can be linked to Python extensions and is also the default
when building COIN libraries through the IDE.

I made a build tools release 0.7.12 which fixes a bug that didn't allow
building with Visual Studio in 64-bit CYGWIN. This is now possible.


Dr. Ted Ralphs
Associate Professor, Lehigh University
(610) 628-1280
ted 'at' lehigh 'dot' edu
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